[Info] The Girl You Can't Help But Feel Attracted To Is?

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Usually, people start feeling good vibes from [or crushes on] celebrities when they see three certain characteristics or actions performed by the celebrity.

1. When [the celebrity’s] skill and talent seems to jump out at you
2. When seeing [the celebrity] trying their best despite their level of skill
3. When seeing [the celebrity] always smiling and giving off a happy virus

The girl you can’t help but feel attracted to, f(x) Luna

However, among the recent idols seems to be a certain member that possesses all these three things and comes to mind. This person is f(x)’s Luna. As a singer, her voice comes to life and she sounds great live as well, and her dancing abilities jump out at you, and she dances the best she can on stage. Truthfully, that would be enough to develop a crush on her, but seeing the image she presents in performing makes one think ‘the more I see her, the more charisma she seems to have.’

When featured on ‘Star King’ and ‘Sebaqui,’ she never looses her consistent laughter and clean smiles, and during other panel’s stories, she concentrates and pays full attention to the person speaking. On ‘Star King,’ even while copying performers on her seat, she never breaks her attention, leaving a very strong and happy impression. Of course, she is a newcomer so it is expected that she try her best on shows, but her posture and positivity makes it clear that she is not falsifying her interest.

In all honesty, when f(x) had first debuted, the member that eyes would stop upon was Sulli. Her cute image made many males think of her as their 2nd So Hee and develop crushes on her. As well, Amber caused many misunderstandings over whether f(x) was a hybrid group due to her boyish looks and rapping skills that brought her much attention. Leader Victoria’s compelling looks and flexibility caused many crushes develop towards her.
Because of all this, Luna did not capture eyes, due to the other members in comparison. First, it is assumed that she became part of the group due to her apparent, amazing voice. However, that assumption was a complete mistake. Looking at the group f(x), the more the group is seen, the more charm is felt radiating from them, and the source is Luna. Despite her high level of skill, she still tries to the best of her abilities, and her smile that is never lost is always great to see.

It feels as if anticipation builds up thinking of what Luna is to do next. Her never ending laughter and her immense reactions even on stage that spreads a happy virus, as well as her determination despite anything, is beyond doubt impressive. Her hard work on stage as well as on shows brings a good feeling to anyone, and the thought of cheering for her rises up. It would be magnificent if, even into the future, Luna never looses that smile and always continues to show everyone her resolve and purpose.

Source: skagns@MediaUs
Translator: mongoosedragon