[Info] Super Junior Lee Donghae's Character In The Drama "It's Ok, Daddy's Daughter"


Lee Donghae portrays Choi Wookgi in "It's Ok, Daddy's Daughter" and here is an introduction for his character in the drama.

The youngest brother who possess deeper inner feelings than the eldest brother Hyukgi, and a harder worker than second brother Deokgi.

Despite growing up without the love of his parents, thanks to eldest brother Hyukgi, grew up to become a kind and honest person. Even though (he was) able to receive a scholarship at a prestigous university, but due to (his) father he was forced to suspend (classes). In order to earn living expenses and tuition fees, worked hard at every job (that he holds). But in return (all) he gets is his brother’s death and his parents’ betrayal. To prove that Deokgi’s death was not due to Kihoan’s mistake, while helping Chaeryeong, accidently became his brother’s rival in love.

Source: SBS Official Website for It’s Okay, Daddy’s Girl
Credit: ELFISH & onlyhae
Translated by SJ-World.net

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