[News] Kangta called off a relationship because of fans

Singer Kangta revealed that he has broken off a relationship because of a fan.
On today’s broadcast of Golden Fishery, he revealed “I received ongoing threats from a fan, which brought up a wall between my girlfriend and I, and because of that we broke up. My girlfriend was scared because she received threats on tissue that was written in blood and she would always suggest to break up. But, whenever that happened, I told her that I would block up the mailbox.” Kangta also went on saying, ” However, in the end I couldn’t be on my girlfriend’s side. I had to say ‘ I love you’ in front of my fans. In the end, the continued threats is what ended my relationship with my girlfriend.”
In this episode, Kangta also revealed his secrets, and confessions from his idol days, as well as tips in dating in secret.

Source: jeonsoyoung@mstarnews.com
Translation: ustina@kpoplive.com
Cr: kpoplive