[News] The Lyrics to Teen Top's Clap Does Not Make Sense?

Newly debuted group Teen Top has been faced with a bit of criticism, as their title track ‘Clap’ has received quite a few complaints.

Although ‘Clap’ has been treated with great melodies and wonderful performances done by talented artists, viewers feel that the title of the song and the accompanying lyrics simply don’t do it justice. Those who watched the group’s debut stage made comments amongst the lines of, “the song is good but it’s not matching with the lyrics,” “the lyrics [don’t] make sense,” or “I think they wrote some ironical expressions and it’s hard to understand.” 

The lyrics in question are the ones that read, “I’m clapping because I was in love with you. I’m clapping like a mad person. At this rate, I’m going to cry again. I’m suddenly excitedly laughs and claps,” which show feelings of sadness. Viewers feel that such sad lyrics do not belong in a song whose title is supposed to signify joy and celebration. Viewers felt that the song was difficult to understand because its lyrics had nothing to do with the title.

Others, however, felt that the lack of connection between the lyrics and the title were of no consequence. “It’s not important […] what’s written in the lyrics,” they explained. “It’s about their live performances. It’s okay as long as they have the skills.” They also added on to such comments, saying, “their performance song overall matches well and it’s cool.”

What do you guys think? Are the lyrics an important part of a song, or is it all about the actual performance?

Source: gwangnam.co.kr
Translation: dianapetrina@6teensontop

 Well then, their lyrics might not make sense but the song sure is catchy, isn't it? 
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