[News] So Nyeo Shi Dae forgives malicious netizens for harmful composite photos

So Nyeo Shi Dae members forgive the malicious netizens.

It has been known that 92 netizens caught in a case of uploaded nude composite photos of So Nyeo Shi Dae members have escaped from a jail sentence thanks to a petition carried out.

Suwon District Prosecutors’ Office has ruled that the 92 netizens caught posting up photos of So Nyeo Shi Dae members’s faces superimposed into photos of naked women have “no right for appeal”, because the So Nyeo Shi Dae members have submitted a petition asking for mercy on them.

And since 75 out of the 92 netizens are underaged and for the rest of them it is their first time committing the crime, they have been exempted from being executed for what they have done.

Previously in May, SM Entertainment had sent out a warning stating that ‘we have seen the composite photos of the girls which will harm them’, lodging a police complaint.

S: sportsworld