[News]Sulli’s smile is the factor to breaking 11 years of age diff and forging close relationship with Kim HeeChul!

f(x) Sulli talks about the thing which had her and Super Junior Kim HeeChul have such great brother-sister relationship.

It has been known that Sulli has been close with Kim HeeChul since she was young. Sulli had talked about her close relatioship with Kim HeeChul through a ‘Star Call’ video phonecall to fans.

She said, “Everyone knows that HeeChul seonbaenim always supports us? I’ve always been someone who smiles very often, and HeeChul seonbaenim was shocked that, ‘Ah! There is a child whom I can make her smile so much’.”

And because of this, the 2 were able to break the 11 years in age difference and continue to maintain a close relationship until now.

Sulli said, “I’m always thankful. And I want to say thank-you to him too. I hope HeeChul seonbaenim as well as Super Junior will continue to do well in the future.”

Translated by Sookyeong @ Kbites