[Twitter/Pictures] Super Junior 100729 twitter updates

* For 280710 *
Via @BoA_1105
@special1004 오빠 오늘 라됴서 옆사람 틀어주세요~~ 그리고, 은혁씨랑 안칠할수밖에없는이유!!! 트윗답장을 안해요 ㅋㅋ
TRANS: Oppa, you will play my “Stand By” right~~ And also, the reason for me not being able to be close with Eunhyuk!!!!! He doesn’t reply my tweetsㅋㅋ

Via @ShinsFriends
사진만봐도 뭔가 노래가 흘러나오는듯한 느낌 봐봐봐 봐 봐봐 봐봐 봐 봐봐봐 @chaeyeon_lee : http://twitpic.com/29c9ak
TRANS: Just by looking at the photos, can also feel what song (she is) singing, looklooklook look looklook looklook look looklooklook @chaeyeon_lee

Via @Heedictator
http://twitpic.com/29ctjx 아틸리싸이~
TRANS: Until You Decide* ~

Via @ryeong9
길거리에서 머리하는 려욱이~ 콘서트 영상 촬영에 모두들 고생하고 있어요 허세 작렬 다리꼬고ㅎ강조>> 컨셉 사진임ㅋㅋ 콘서트 기대 많이해주세용♥ http://twitpic.com/29curm http://twitpic.com/29cusq
TRANS: Ryeowook that did (his) hair at the roadside~ Everyone is busy with filming for the concert video, crossing my leg lazilyㅎ Focus/ Main Point>> Concert concept photoㅋㅋ Please await tons for our concert♥

wook1a wook1b
Via @ShinsFriends
성민이가마시고있는게 오렌지쥬스 가아닌 설마 저 OJ 는 오….. 줌…..은 아니겟지???? http://twitpic.com/29d6st
TRANS: Sungmin isn’t drinking orange juice, could it be, that OJ, possibly be Ur……Ine**??

Via @ryeong9
@ShinsFriends 오줌은 OZ니까 그건 그냥 ojㅋㅋ
TRANS: @ShinsFriends Urine/Pee is OZ**, so that is just ojㅋㅋ
Via @Heedictator
아 오늘 대박이네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
TRANS: Ah Today (is) daebakㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Via @Siwon407
As always we had a wonderful time today too :) hope you guys have a great time too :) !! http://twitpic.com/29fdn2

Via @donghae861015
가끔은이유없이 우울할때가 있다.다른 사람들이 물어볼때 왜 우울해라고 물어볼때 이유없이 우울해…라고 하지만 우울할때는 분명 이유가 있다. 비온다…
TRANS: Sometimes when feel depressed without any reason, sometimes other people will ask me why am i so depressed, and I will say that there is no reason. but, there must have a reason for being depressed. Raining…
Via @Heedictator
@donghae861015 우울해 하지마! 넌 내새끼니까!!ㅋㅋ너까지 우울해지면 난 무너진단다~ 똥하이~
TRANS: @donghae861015 Don’t be depressed! You are my little brat/baby!!ㅋㅋ If you are depressed then I’ll breakdown~ Dong-ha-i***~
Via @Heedictator
Good Night~!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
T/N: * Son Dambi’s Queen lyrics
** They are talking about the romanization for urine/ pee (오줌). Shindong says its OJ while Ryeowook corrected him by saying it’s OZ.
*** Dong-Ha-I: Korean spelling of Donghae’s chinese name.
Credit: @ryeong9, @ShinsFriends, @Heedictator, @BoA_1105, @siwon407, @donghae861015
Translated by: minoko2440 @ sapphirepearls.com