[News] Message from Siwon to fans

Super Junior's Siwon recently left a message for fans in regards to his accident at the Super Show 3 performance.

사랑하는 우리가족여러분들께
다들 별일없이 잘지내셨죠?
여러분들의 사랑과 관심으로 세번째슈퍼쇼도 무사히 잘마쳤어요 ^^ 어땠어요? 즐거우셨어요? 더 좋은모습 보여드리지 못해 아쉬움이 많이 남는시간 이였던것 같아요. 항상 하나님의 보호하심에 그분과 함께 동행하며 그분안의 거하시는 우리가족분들 되시길 기도합니다. 많이많이사랑해요!
P.S 저는 괜찮으니 걱정안하셔도 되요 ^0^ 다들 걱정해주셔서 감사해요 ;)

To everyone in my lovely family,
Have you all been alright? I successfully wrapped up the third Super Show thanks to everybody's love and interest ^^ How was it? Was it fun? I think this time I was left with a feeling of frustration because I couldn't show you a better and proper image. I pray for my family to always be in God's shelter and protection and accompanied by Him. I love you very very much!
P.S. You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine ^0^ thank you for caring ;)

Source: choisiwon.co.kr
Translation: Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET
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