[NEWS]Han Geng records Blackie's show, Promoting and Shows off dance while sick

Sina Entertainment Report: CHANNEL[V] was filmed yesterday (19th), the guest invited was Han Geng. Although Han Geng was sick that day, he still performed with his sickness, happily talked about his new album “Geng Xin” and showed off his dance moves.

The MC Blackie (Chen Jianzhou) stated that one time he was at Beijing, he coincidentally bumped into Han Geng while he was recording, and because of Han Geng’s relationship with Blackie and Fanfan’s assistant*, they (Blackie and Han Geng) were quite close. Although Han Geng’s recording went to 2am that night, he still went and chatted with Blackie at his hotel. Blackie stated, “Han Geng looked really tired, but he insisted on coming, I was very moved!” Since Han Geng rarely comes to Taiwan, Blackie had called to invite him to dinner, Han Geng replied that it would have to be after 12:30 and Blackie thought that lunch is cool to. However, Han Geng had meant 12:30 at night, which shocked Blackie. As for who’s buying, both of them fought to pay for a long time, in the end, the “fight” ended when Blackie gave in and said, “Ok! I’ll let you pay”.

Since arriving at Taiwan, Han Geng’s flu hasn’t gotten better and the medias were also concered about his sickness, Han Geng stated that his throat was purulent, his voice was too low and it was a little uncomfortable, but he’s feeling better now, but his throat is still swelling a bit. As for the coming judgment** of his case with SM, Han Geng expressed that he is currently focusing on his album promotions and has not paid much attention at it, and his lawyers are taking complete care of it, but he obviously does hope that he will win the case.

*The assistant mentioned here is very likely Cathy who is Han Geng’s honorary sister and his mom’s honorary daughter…. She’s married, don’t worry~
** The judgment got delayed… AGAIN ==+

Source: Sina Ent.
Translated by Windchime@geng-bao.net
shared by misty1105@forsujuindo