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A girl group union has been born. With the name UG (United Girlgroups). SNSD·After School·f(x)·Rainbow·4minute·T-ara·miss A· Secret etc. have joined together to celebrate Ilgan Sports’ 41st anniversary.

The Korean mass culture is the girl groups’ generation. In the past, girl groups like SES·Fin.K.L were active but the recent girl group trendhas more power than ever before. These girls not only take over the charts but also variety·dramas. Fashion·advertisement are also controlled by girl groups. What they were becomes the “it item”, and the war to recruit the girl groups is a bloody competition.

Ilgan Sports who has come with the mass culture over 41 years invited girl groups that are ‘2010’s Mass Culture Hot Trends’ to celebrate our 41st anniversary.

Reporter: Let’s start the full-scale talk. There are rumors that girl groups don’t even greet each other and stay away from each other.

Jaekyung: That doesn’t make any sense. We are all the same people. Out of the members today, I’m closest with Hyosung(Secret). We talked a lot while using the same waiting room. Secret and Rainbow made a group called ‘Chicbow’. (“Chic” and the “Sec” in “Secret” are pronounced the same way in Korean)

Reporter: There are lots of Ahjussi fans. What is the age cut between ahjussi and oppa fans? How much older is okay for you to be in a relationship with?

Jaekyung: For me, if they’re not married they’re an oppa, if they are married they are an ahjussi. For relationships, I don’t think the age matters as long as your talk can communicate well.

Reporter: Then tell us about recent relationships.

All members: Um…. It’s been so long since I’ve been in a relationship. (An awkward silence for a moment….)

Reporter: If you return to before your debut, what do you want to do?

Jaekyung: I want to be in a relationship. And I’ve also wanted to run away.
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The singers that sat at the interview would speak truthfully but once in awhile gave answers that were probably given to please fans and their companies. The reporter put together the obvious answers that he was disappointed with.

- Which girl group is the prettiest?

“Our group of course.”(Everybody chose their own group)

- What was the most bewildering fan gift you have received?

“How can the fans presents that are full of love be bewildering?” (Only SNSD’s Sunny said “garlic juice”)

-Has a male celebrity every confessed to you?

“People think that I would have a lot but I really never have”.

- How much is in your account?

“I’m not sure because my parents take care of it”(Except for miss A’s Suzy)

-Tells us about relationships you’ve been in.

“It’s been so long so I can’t remember….” “I’m too young so I can’t be in a relationship.”
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★Rainbow Kim Jaekyung
Born December 24th, 1988
168cm, 45kg
Company DSPMedia
Trainee Period: 5 years
In Dongduk University’s Clothing Design Department
Debuted in 2009 through Rainbow’s single ‘Gossip Girl’
Retirement: Won’t until my knee arthritis can’t handle it anymore.
Greets everyone even if I don’t know them.
Role model: Lee Hyori

*Only Jae Kyung related posted*

Source: IsPlus