[NEWS] 100917 [Hot! Debut Diary] Teen Top C.A.P④ 'A drawing rapper?' 'A surprise revelation' of an unusual talent

Out of the various talents on Teen Top leader C.A.P's profile, a thing caught our eyes: design and drawing. Associating C.A.P's charismatic and manly image with C.A.P's image with pencil and brush while drawing wasn't and easy thing.
"I was originally a major in designing but when I began rap my dream changed. These days I couldn't draw a lot since I was designing rap." (laugh) While seeing C.A.P laughing innocently we could feel his professionalism.
From his childhood C.A.P had a remarquable sense for art, so in elementary school he went to an art academy and began to show off his drawing skills. That's how C.A.P began to have interest in art.
"When I knew everything about drawing I fell for rap's charms. So I promised that I had to become a rapper who designs rap."(laugh) "Since this day I of course began to write lyrics to make my rap but I also designed my rap's style."
The first ones to hear C.A.P's composed songs an give tips were the members. He sang his songs with the members and polished it a bit, and finally C.A.P style's song was complete.
C.A.P is not only doing rap, now everytime he has some spare time he's drwing and when he complete it he even shows it to the fans on Twitter or Me2Day.
After his debut, C.A.P wanted to challenge another field. He said while laughing: "Since I was a major in designing I wanted to design Teen Top's album" and "For the album that I'll design for Teen Top it'll be even better if there's the tracks I composed in it"
C.A.P who's not scared of challenging another field is working hard to progress, we're expecting this talented entertainers next generation.

Source: Asia Economy Daily
Translation: BGSS2Maknae@6ToT