[News] BEAST's Son Dongwoon, "In case he falls behind, Doojoon hyung came to practice.."

With their comeback at the end of September, BEAST's Son Dongwoon revealed photos of his activities within the day through his Cyworld.

On the 17th, Son Dongwoon revealed a picture titled 'The Daily Activities of September 17, 2010' of Yoon Doojoon's backside in the practice room through his Cyworld.

In this picture, Yoon Doojoon was sporting a blue uniform with his 'number 11 and name as Yoon Doojoon' along with the other members barely viewable in the mirror reflection. On the same day, Yang Yoseob revealed a different angle picture of Yoon Doojoon through his Yozm.

Son Dongwoon said, "While filming, Doojoon hyung had break time and he came to practice in case he falls behind.." which caused a bit of sympathy towards Yoon Doojoon who was taking in busy schedules.

Also, Song Dongwoon uploaded pictures of the Idol Athletics Competition with it titled as 'The Daily Activities of September 17, 2010.' Going back a couple of days, he also showed a picture on the 9th of him pretending to eat a giant sushi pillow.

Fans who've come across these pictures worte messages such as "You're going to get a stomach ache," "Doojoon oppa is working so hard..my heart hurts for him," "Idol Athletics Competition~ Did you play well?" and "Oppa, you're on the very top ㅠㅠ Is this the fear of the male god? Keke"

Meanwhile, BEAST revealed on the 17th (today) their new song 'Clenching a Tight Fist' on various online music sites as it's become the hottest searched on portal sites and is continuing to rank in the top searched, garnering lots of interest.

CREDITS: TheStar (SOURCE); seoulfoood @B2ST RISING (TRANS)