[News] Jung Gaeun is a Sunmi-Sohee couple fan?

On TVN’s “Fun TV Rollercoaster”, Jeong Ga-eun, an actress-cum-model, some of you might recognize her from SBS’s “Heroes”. While she was making a phone call, some quick-eyed Korean WonderFul spotted the background of her phone showing the bottom of Sunmi and Sohee from the TBJ Summer Photoshoot that Wonder Girls participated in 2008.

If you look carefully, you can match the placement of Sohee’s hands as well as the colors and shadings of their clothes and skin with the original picture below.

So! Do you think that this is all just a mere coincidence? or is she really a MiSo fan? Perhaps, the phone doesn’t even belong to her, but her manager? Anyhow, it’s great to see another celebrity (or celebrity’s manager) to be a MiSo couple fan!

Credits: 강우@Byulha + Apple @ SunMi Jjang +WGSpectacle