[News] ZE:A's Dongjun - Kwanghee reveal childhood pictures where they're prettier than girls

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Members from the idol group Children of Empire, Dongjun and Kwanghee, revealed their childhood pictures.
Kwanghee and Dongjun appeared on July 30th on the broadcasting of KBS 2TV 'Happy Birthday' and revealed eye catching childhood pictures where they look prettier than girls.
Firstly, Dongjun showed a wonderful picture where he was doing a talent show. Dongjun and his big eyes and lovely lips is with a little girl and wears the same clothes and the same ribbon, he's singing "I'm prettier than the girl I'm with" which caused everyone to praise him.
Dongjun said "From when I was young I liked football" when they showed the picture where he is playing with a ball and shows a manly image, it was really interesting again.Then Kwanghee revealed a picture of his childhood where we can see him focused.
This day Kwanghee also revealed that he made surgery on his eyes, his nose and his forehead, but seeing those childhood picture where he chose a pretty appearance the people there were curious about this. So Kwanghee said "I was pretty until I was 7 years old" which brought laughter on the set.
Then when he revealed a pic where he his with his aunt he added "I only have pictures with my mom when she's angry" which caused everyone to burst into laughter again.
On this day's "Happy Birthday" beside of Children of Empire's Dongjun and Kwanghee, Lee Yoonmi, Yoon Jungsoo and Hwangbo were there and were also very witty.

Original article: Review star
Translation (article+picture): BGSS2_Maknae@EmpireChildren