[Announcement] Design background for DKPOPNEWS!

Dear Kpop fans,now is the time for you to show off your talent in designing.

We have opened up a section for readers to submit their banners 2 months ago and we are really thankful for those who sent in their banners,you guys are really awesome.

Well,you might have noticed that we changed to an entirely new layout last week,we are currently in need of your help to design some awesome backgrounds for us.

This is the background we are using currently

I am pretty sure you are able to create backgrounds which are much more better than the background above.Submit your banners to us now,we will place up a poll for readers to vote for their favourite backgrounds,once you win the poll,we'll be using your artwork as our blog's background.

The formats of the background required:
1.)Size 170 width and 200 height
2.)Must be kpop related,it is best if you can create using DKP's logo.

That's all,submit your background before 25th October,thank you.Send all your artworks to kacey@dkpopnews.net

We will thank you officially on our twitter account once you submit your background,so please include your twitter link when you submit your background