[TWITTER] 100930 Mika's Tweets, UPDATE: ONE

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@890917jy 누나ㅠㅠ보구싶어요....
@890917* Noona** ㅠㅠ*** I miss you....

@yjgirl25 네네 누나 !!잘지내구계신가요??미콘 이후로 못봤네요ㅠㅠ보구시퍼요ㅠㅠ
@yjgirl25**** Yes, yes Noona !! You're doing well, right?? I haven't seen you since the miniconcert ㅠㅠ I miss you ㅠㅠ

@seogi0327 ㅎㅎ일본오시면 연락해주세요 ㅎㅎ숙소로 오셔두되구요!!!!
@seogi0327 hehe If you come to Japan, contact me hehe It's also okay if you come visit us at our dorm!!!!

와....다 잔다....현민이만 안잔다....열컴중이다....뭘 그리 열심히하나....말걸어볼까??....화내겠지??ㅠㅠ....심심한데....잠도 안오고....짜증난다....지혼자 뭐가 그리 심오할까....아;;;;만화보구있네....에휴
Wow.... Everyone's asleep.... Hyunmin's the only one still awake.... What are you attempting so hard on....Should I ask??.... Probably going to get angry, right?? ㅠㅠ.... But I'm bored.... I'm not able to fall asleep, either.... This is frustrating.... What are you so deeply focused on by yourself.... Ah;;;; I'm watching/reading cartoons.... eh-hyu*****

CREDIT: Mika90628 @ Twitter (SOURCE) ;; ysnwkhbs @ eDNA(TRANSLATION)

* Don't ask. I don't know who that is ><
** Means "older sister" when a guy says it.
*** Sad face. Like TT_TT
**** Again, I don't know who this person is xD;;
***** eh-hyu is like the sound effect for *sigh*