[TWITTER] 101001 Injun's Tweets

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머리스타일바꾸고왔어여~~~~머리를쫌더깔끔하게자른듯~~맛있는밪도먹고 오늘은좀늦게왔네영~~
I'm back after getting my hair style changed~~~~ Got a cleaner cut~~ Even ate something delicious, so we're back a bit late~~

뭔가하루종일 정신없이 지나간듯~~~~^^*ㅠㅠ
Today, everything passed by hectically~~~~ ^^* ㅠㅠ*

사람들이모르는 155가지라는 글을보았다..신기햇다...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ북극에서감기가절대 걸리지않는다..너무추워서감기바이러스가 없어서...신기..
Something that people don't know, I read at least 155 replies.. They were interesting... kekekekeke Apparently, one never catches a cold in the Artic.. Because, itt's so cold there that the cold virus can't exist... Interesting..

CREDIT: InJun0309 @ Twitter (SOURCE) ;; ysnwkhbs @ eDNA(TRANSLATION)