[TWITTER] 101002 Injun's Tweets

공연준비를하러 갑니닷~~~^^* 오랜만에밖에서하는 공연인만큼~~ 즐겁게고고씽~~

I'm going to get ready for the performance~~~^^* As much as it has been a long time we performed outside~~ Happily Go Go~~

엄청오랜만이신거같아요~~~ㅠㅠ저희는일본에와서 생활하고있습니다~~잘지내시져~~~^^ㅠㅠRT @neocross96: @InJun0309 잘 해

It feels like it has been a very long time~~~ TT TT We are living here in Japan~~Stay well~~~^^ TT TT RT @neocross96: @InJun0309 Do well

오늘공연도 무사히끝났습니다~~~~쬐끔~~피곤하지만ㅠㅠㅠ즐거웠어요~~

Saftly completed today's performance also~~~~Even though I'm a little tired TT TT TT It was fun~~

샤워후 상쾨한 이느낌~~~^^*시원하다

This refreshing feeling after taking a shower~~~^^* It's cooling

@chungdamkuma 정규형~~~생일축하드려요~~한국에있었다면 평소때처럼 치킨파티할수있었을텐데...아쉽네요~~정말축하드리고 열심히하고 돌아가겠습니다~~^^*

@chungdamkuma Jungkyu Hyung*~~~ Happy birthday~~If I was in Korea we could have had a chicken party like usual...It's too bad~~Congradulations and we will return after working hard~~^^*

꿈나라로 갈려고 자리잡는중~~^^ 내일은 어떤행복이 나를웃게 해줄까~~^^*

Getting ready to go into dream land~~^^ What happiness will make me smile tomorrow~~^^*

* - Hyung is what a guy calls an older guy

CREDITS: Injun's Twitter (source) + jenn`♫ @ enchanteDNA (translator)