[Winner revealed!] Win a copy of BoA's Copy and Paste Album!!

Our blog's main sponsor Yesasia.com is generous enough to sponsor another giveaway to celebrate DKPOPNEWS' new layout change.

The conditions to win the CD is as simple as always,follow the rules below to win the CD.

1.)Retweet the statement below
@dkpopnews is giving away BoA's Copy and Paste Album http://www.dkpopnews.net/2010/10/dkp-gift-win-copy-of-boas-copy-and.html

2.)Follow DKPOPNEWS on Twitter and Facebook,follow Yesstyle on Twitter and Facebook too.
3.)Be an active commenter,comment on as many articles on DKPOPNEWS.
4.)Leave a comment here stating your name and nationality

Congratz to Sammie1988 for winning the CD