[CYWORLD] 101101-101119 Injun's Cyworld

2010.11.01 월 00:11

오늘은 말도안되게 일찍잠에들었다가
다시잠안온다 큰일이다

Today I heard I could go to sleep ridiculously early but
I woke up from my sleep........
If I can't get to sleep again it'll be big trouble

2010.11.01 월 04:25

4시25분 잠이진짜안온다 눈이 완전초롱

It's 4:25 sleep is seriously not coming my eyes are wide open

2010.11.01 월 11:30
송도 즐겁게~~~추운날씨지만 많이보러오세요~~^^*

Today the live
broadcast will be fun~~~~~ It's cold weather but please come along and watch~~^^*

2010.11.02 화 11:55

오늘은노래연습을하고~~~공연도보러가고!!!!!!!!!!!!그리고 내일오사카공연도 많이보러오세요~~^^*대국남아와 즐거운 이벤트 고고씽~~~

Today we had singing practise and~~~ also went to see a public performance!!!!!!!!
Then tomorrow at Osaka please come along to see the public performance~~^^* a fun event with DaeGukNamAh go go ssing~~~*
*Go go ssing is internet slang for 'let's go!' or something of the equivalent

2010.11.02 화 23:28

새벽에 오사카로 출발하려면 지금자야디~~!! 공연이너무 기대된더 소규모한정이지만~~알차게화이팅

Because we're leaving for Osaka early in the morning I have to go to sleep now~~!! Rather than really anticipating the public performance there's small scale limitation but even then~~Fully fighting

2010.11.03 수 23:34

오늘하루도 보람있고 즐거운날이였습니다~~~~^^날씨가부쩍추워졌네요ㅠㅠ

Today was a valuable and fun day~~~~^^
The weather suddenly became very coldㅠㅠ
Everyone please be careful of a cold~~~^^*

2010.11.04 목 21:13


Tomorrow's the day we have an important recording!!!!!
Tomorrow as well fighting fighting~~~

2010.11.05 금 19:32

오랜만에 녹음하는 거지만 너무 재미있다!!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

심심할땐 사진도 찍고...놀기도하고ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

It's been a long time since I've done recording but it was very fun!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
While I was bored I took photos and...played too ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Source: Injun's Cyworld
Translations: x3sarang@enchanteDNA.com