[News] Hyomin,the undisputed fashion leader

T-ara Hyomin's personally uploaded photos always become a hot topic among netizens. She's thus called the 'undisputed leader in fashion clothes' because of her outstanding fashion sense.

One of Hyomin's favourite item would be the plaid.Plaid patterns is a ever-lasting favourite as it suits people of all ages.It can also be used both formally or for casual purposes.

Recently Hyomin uploaded a picture of her,matching a black and white plaid jumper with a green hat well.In spring/summer, Hyomin put on a red and blue shirt and manage to present a sophisticated yet comfortable look.

An official from an online mall,Stawill, stated that "Many young girls in their 10s or 20s wants to follow the current fashion or trend,and Hyomin's is one of them they look at as she have the ability to produce an outfit that suits her style perfectly."

***The rest omitted***

Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20101118n19600
Written by: 박정민 @tvreport.co.kr
Translated by:xxxiang@Diadem