[INFO]Dream High : Taecyeon & Wooyoung character

Jason (17 y.o.)/Jang Wooyoung

Comes back from USA unexpectedly and enters Kirin High

Has great dancing and singing abilities, but has no
interest in competing with others. He simply enjoys it.

He's laid back and even lazy to the point that he can
easily fall asleep before a test or an important

His dance skills makes Jinguk nervous, and his singing
is obviously threatening to Samdong (Kim Suhyun's character)

Jaeson's Story (Jang Wooyoung)
Speaks English only when it's necessary.
When he needs to pick up girls, or disregard
some overconfident guy...

Good points
Inborn dancing, singing, rapping skills. Rich background
in New Jersey. Handsome, gifted with a whole set of
a top star talent.

Bad points
Has no will to succeed in dancing. It's just for fun...

Jason, Just Enjoy~!

Singing and dancing is only for fun.
Jinguk (18y.o.)/Ok Taecyeon
Real name Hyun Shihyeok. Always looks outgoing and
bright, but deep inside his heart there's a wound
that doesn't heal.

He was left in an orphanage at a very young age by
his single mother. Not long after he was left at the
orphanage he was adopted by Hyun Mujin, a chairman
of his father's famous group. Jinguk was not happy
in that house, treated like an invisible person.
Eventually he dropped out of high school, left home
and began living a new life under the name of Jinguk.

While spending time with his street friends, dancing,
he accidentaly found himself at Kirin High School
audition one day...

Jinguk's story

Treasure No.1 external harddrive full of porn.
Treasure No.2 motorcycle
Hobby: Sitting at the bottom of the stairs and
appreciating high school girls in mini skirts walking
up and down the stairs.

Good points.
Tall, handsome, dances well. As he captures female
hearts well, he coaches Samdong about love life.
Bad points.
Can't sing. Always laughs off and evades answering
when someone approaches him sincerely.
Jinguk, the moment I hear the music, the world is mine!!
Kor-Eng: Egle @2pmalways