[TRANS] 101222 2PM Oricon Japan Special Interview Part 4

INTERVIEW 4 - Their Stage Gap...?!

Some Kinds of Pressure are Worth it
---Now, please tell us your thoughts on your first live in Japan which you performed yesterday (December 8) at Ryogoku Kokugikan.
[Junho] (in Japanese) I was really moved!
[Junsu] (in Japanese) The people of Japan were the best!
[Taecyeon] I had heard that the place "Ryogoku Kokugikan" was a sacred place for the beasts of Japan [t/n: reference to it being a place that normally holds Sumo wrestler tournaments] so I think it was definitely an appropriate place for us "Beast Idols." I would be very happy if those in Japan were also able to get the impression that 2PM = "Beast Idols."
[Wooyoung] At first I was nervous because honestly, the place was vastly spacious, but I was relieved upon seeing that so many people had filled up the seating area, and simultaneously, I received a lot of power from everyone there.
[Nichkhun] I, too, thought that I would be able to do well in Japan after being able to meet all the Japanese fans directly, and because of the love I received from so many people like that, I was able to possess a lot of self-confidence.
[Chansung] In order to live up to everyone's wishes I felt I had to exert more effort than ever and I wanted them to see our performances so that many more people would get to know about our existence. Thank you all so much for coming once again!

---How did you feel when you heard that your first Japanese DVD release got 4th place on the DVD weekly ranking (2nd place on the DVD weekly music ranking!), accomplishing an unprecedented achievement?
[Junsu] I was genuinely extremely happy! And yet, while I was thankful that we were able to get such a high ranking before we had even begun promotions in Japan, a lot of pressure arose in a positive way from the increase in attention.
[Taecyeon] There are some kinds of pressure that are worth it.

Normally They're Rather Relaxed! Their Stage Gap is......
---That's certainly true. Please tell us the main point of the DVD and the main point of the album once again.
[Taecyeon] The DVD allows everyone to see with their own eyes how far we've come along. Rather than having a particular highlight, we want you to see for yourself in what ways we have or haven't changed. The CD is similar to that, as it condenses into 1 item the locus of the activity we've done so far in Korea, and so we would like it if you would ascertain the changes and growth we've made through both of those.

---The same with your live performances, I don't think there is anyone else who has a DVD with such high quality dance performances that overflow with originality, but are there any parts of the dances that are troublesome and you therefore must pay attention to?
[Wooyoung] I would say the acrobatic parts since there are a lot of them and we can't allow ourselves to get injured. We're forced to take a break when there's an injury, so that's where we have trouble.
[Chansung] Every time we release a new album we have the challenge of making a new performance. If it's not [a challenging, new performance], we'll speak our disapproval. It's all about what our fans are expecting, so we can't do something that's average, all the members share a common feeling that we want to show everyone something beyond expectations.
[Wooyoung] Everyone always matches their strengths and breathing for our performances, but there are times when we pull off a great performance that had been really difficult for us to challenge, and the delight and sense of accomplishment we get from that is immeasurable.
[Chansung] For this reason, we are even more greedy in trying to show an even higher level performance for the next time.

---That kind of repetition will steadily raise the level [of difficulty] for sure. This type of advanced performances started with 2PM and there's a lot of charm attached to that, but where do you personally believe 2PM's unbeatable charm exists?
[Chansung] As "Beast Idols" there's a lot of emphasis on things like charisma and manliness, but we have the same feelings as other boys of our generation and have rather relaxed attitudes. We get told by our Korean fans and Japanese staff that there's a tremendous gap between what we're like onstage and what we're like offstage (laugh). That in itself can be seen as another charm of ours.

Source: http://www.oricon.co.jp/music/interview/20...222/index4.html
Translated by: dawnjelly @ Wild2Day.org

May be taken out with credits.