[TRANS] 101222 2PM Oricon Japan Special Interview Final Part

In Order to Maintain your Forged Bodies…

Your physical beauty is praised as one of your charms; what do you do in order to maintain [your bodies]?
Taecyeon: If I don’t exercise, my muscles will fade away so no matter how tough our schedule is, I keep up my body-building even if it’s only little by little.

Surely, it’s like whatever doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger.
Nichkhun: For all that, it’s not an easy thing. If there’s a little bit of free time, I go to the gym and train. In recent days, we haven’t been able to go to the gym such and, on the contrary, I’ve become somewhat stressed.

You’ve won many awards and you’re popular in many Asian countries; from now on, in Japan, is there a goal you’re aiming for or a dream you have?
Wooyoung: I want to us be recognized by everyone in Japan as artists who make the best performances!

A specific objective you particularly want to try to do?
Taecyeon: (I want to stand on the stage of) Tokyo Dome! But this is a really big goal.
Nichkhun: Like Wooyoung said, I want us to become recognized as top artists even in Japan. But we’ve only just debuted; we’re only standing at the starting point and we aren’t well known so continuing to exert ourselves, trying with all our might, I hope 2PM’s existence will be known by many people.
Junsu: I want us to become artists who have a strong impression on many people; artists who are charming and emit individuality.

You all have so much popularity and yet, you have such modest demeanors. I was surprised>
2PM(all members): (In Japanese)No, no, that’s not so at all.

Nichkhun: All of us hate to lose.
Junho: We’re not really modest, that’s how I really feel.

Unexpectedly, your debut even was at the Ryokokugikan [Sumo Stadium] and weren’t all three performances full?! So you might be able to do things like [perform at] the Tokyo Dome, don’t you all think so?
2PM: (In Japanese) No, no, that’s not so at all.

Wooyoung: (In Japanese) We will try our best!

Important News from 2PM!!

By the way, what is your impression of Japanese fans?
Junsu: I have the strong impression that their feelings are really profound. When they heard that we’re returning to Korea in a little while, there were some people that shed tears. When I found out, I was really grateful; we were loved by everyone and I became encouraged.

I imagine Japanese fans desire for you to do lots of activities in Japan so what are your plans from now on?
Taecyeon: Next year, we're planning [to release] a single in Japanese and our Zepp Tour, in the spring, has also been confirmed! We're thinking of having opportunities to directly meet our fans in the provinces as well as the sorrounding (areas in Japan).

That's big news. Again, of your activities up to now, what has left the biggest impression on you, an obstacle that you had to surmount, is there one thing you could tell us about?
Junho: U~m... I can't choose one thing. In the long span of these two years, there's really been a lot of incidents and everyday was a conquest of a tribulation. I've lived everyday personally fighting for myself.

So did the 2 years gone by in the blink of an eye? Were they long?
Tacyeon: A really quick, split second.
Chansung: Just now, the experiences of the [past] 2 years raced through my head like a revolving lantern.

From now on, if you will be able to steadily increase your memories of and in Japan, [please do so].
Taecyeon: (In Japanese) Of course [we will].
Junho: Our even at Ryokokugikan has become the first memory of our Japanese activities

Well then, lastly, is there anything you would like to tell your Japanese fans?
Chansung: We are truly grateful that you have showered us with lots of love even though we come from a foreign country. I want to try even harder and meet with everyone directly. My desire to really study Japanese with the utmost effort has been strengthened.

Next time, I definitely want to have a conversation in Japanese [with you]!
2PM: (In Japanese) We will work hard at studying Japanese!

Source: Oricon Official Website
Translated by oraday @ Wild2Day.org