[NEWS] Big Bang's new album release date confirmed

VIPs can finally circle a date on their calendar, as YG Entertainment has revealed that the group will drop their new album on February 24th, just in time for '2011 BIG SHOW'.

Representatives of YG Entertainment explained,
“After nearly two years, they’ll finally be releasing a new album on February 24th. Details such as the number of tracks or the album’s tracklist have yet to be decided. Big Bang will be holding their first comeback stage not through publicly-broadcasted music programs, but at their own ‘2011 BIG SHOW‘ concerts on February 25th through 27th.”

They continued, “This concert will show just how much Big Bang has improved through the years.”

Representatives further explained their decision behind why they chose to have the first comeback stage at a concert, as opposed to a music show.
“Since it’s an album they’ve worked hard on for the past two years, they all agreed to show it to their fans first before they appear on broadcast programs. Instead of being limited to only two or three tracks because of time constraints, they’d rather show all of their new songs at their concert.”

The concert will also showcase GD&TOP’s unit album and Seungri’s solo album.

Source + Photos: Newsen via Daum
Credit: AllKpop

Thank You to VIP4Daesung for sending in the Korean article.