[INT] KPOPBOYS Vol. 2 Interview



= Congratulation on your 1st year debut anniversary! How’s this one year been for all of you?
K: If it’s our preparation phase until now, then from now on it’s our real start. This year I want to show even cooler ZE:A.
S: It’s been a year where we’re very thankful to our fans. But it’s much more than these. Our ambition becomes bigger than before! Please keep trusting us.


= The member who grows more within this one year is?
M: As expected it’s Kwanghee hyung. Now he is variety’s popular person, I think his sense to response on other people’s speech is great, when all members came out in TV he will drag us all.
HS: In variety program, Kwanghee hyung introduce our names a lot, In exercise variety Dongjun made a great result.
KH: But those motivation were all ZE:A. Everyone gave me support, I received a lot of help so it’s a repayment for everyone.

KH:変わらずずっと努力(great effort)をし続けているという意味ではテホンも変わらないですね。

=Then, person who doesn’t change is?
M: It’s Hyungshik.
S: That kid is always bright, he’s optimistic.
HS: I’m the type who doesn’t feel stress. Just be able to stay with 9 members makes me happy. From now on too, if I can stay friends with 9 members, it will be nice.
KH: In the term of always continue to do great effort, Taehun is also unchanged.


= What is the remaining memory that happened in this one year?
M: In South Korean variety program Dongjun made a great record on 50M run. His time was almost like Olympic athlete. If he’s not a singer, I think he’ll fit to be a sport athlete.
S: And then I joked in fan café, I wrote “Dongjun quits ZE:A from now on, he will go to Terun athlete village”. All fans other than South Korea was surprised, they rushed to interrogate our office, later on they’re very angry. (laughs)
D: Sorry for the trouble that Siwan hyung has made. I got it from the news in South Korea.

=4月にはついにニューアルバム「Here I am」が発売されます。どんなアルバムですか?
S: とにかく曲がすごくいい!自分たちで歌っていてもいい曲だなと思うし、これはヒットするのではないかと期待しています。かっこよくてかわいくてセクシー で、すべての要素がつまっています。いろんなジャンルの曲を集めたので、変化を楽しんでもらえるアルバムだと思います。

= In April, new album [Here I Am] will be released. What kind of album is that?
S: Anyway, the song is really nice! When we sing it ourselves we think ‘what a nice song~’, we expect it ‘isn’t it going to be hit?’. Coolness, cuteness, and sexiness, all components are packed. Because it has various genre of music, I think it’s an album that gives fun transformation.
T: This time we, 2 rappers wrote the rap lyric, we enjoyed that part!
KH: Our album concept is natural and soft, unlike the previous strong image. It feels familiar. I hope everyone in Japan will like it.

J: デビュー当初に発表した「LoveCoach」が特にファンからかわいいと評判だったんですけど、この「ラヴ☆レター」はある意味「LoveCoach」 なのです。でも「ラヴ☆レター」は映像での公開はしないので、ダンスが気になる人は僕たちのコンサートを観に来てください!

= In your concert that held on January, it’s the first time I watched your Japanese song 「Love☆Letter」, the dance is very cute.
J: The song that is published in our first debut, [Love Coach], is especially popular as cute among the fans, but this 「Love☆Letter」has [Love Coach] meaning. But because it’s not published in 「Love☆Letter」clip, please come to our concert and look for our dance!
HC: It’s not based on all members’ special love experience (laughs), so we don’t understand how to express it well, but we put love for all the fans that give us love. So it’s a song about love for the fans.
T: To be honest, my part was born from the recording mistake. It was interestingly surprising; I said that in the concert. And then, I practiced hard to sing instead of doing rap that I promised to our fans before.

=そして、ZE:Aのみなさんが主演した映画した映画「RONIN POP」が3月に公開されますが、撮影はどうでしたか?

=And then, the movie ZE:A starred in [Ronin Pop] will be released in March, how was the shooting?
D: It was more fun than I expected. We had shooting from early in the morning until late at night, it was the first shooting where all of us came together so it became a good memory. Next I also want to do love comedy. Other members’ images are unclear , however it is because they can’t see the reality. (laughs)
HS: The fencing that I learnt when I was a kid was helpful. I was invited by the director as well as the action actors, “don’t you want to do stunt?”.
S: I got the role of pacifist so I didn’t do action but the members have a lot of unexpected action talents, it’s nearly become the memories of the members (laughs).
T: I appear as a villain! Because my clothes exposed a lot, so it’s very cold and then I catch a cold. Anyway all of us 9 people were happy because we can appear in a movie.

KH:ポ ジティブに楽しく仕事をしていけば、きっといいことがあるというのを実感した1年でした。日本でもデイリー2位といううれしい結果が出ましたし、今年はぜ ひ1位になりたいですね!それに東京ドームとまではいかなくても、たくさんのファンと一緒に楽しいコンサートができればいいと思います。

= This year’s target is?
KH: If we enjoy working with positive thinking, I’m sure there will be good things like one year (before). In Japan too, we got exciting result as 2nd in the daily chart, this year I want to be in 1st rank for sure! And then even though we don’t go until Tokyo Dome, I think it’ll be good if we can enjoy our concert together with a lot of fans.
K: With this new album release, I want more people to know us, what kind of stage that we will show to the fans, we’re worrying about it from now on. If you wait a little bit more we will be coming soon, so please enjoy us who have been growing.
HC: I want to be loved more in year 2011, I am working hard to be able to answer that love. We’re happy that we put feelings that we received into the album. Lastly in 2011 I want to do concert where I can laugh with everyone.

Source: kpopboys magazine, vol. 2 2011
Translation: fetishoney @EmpireChildren + Kaori
do not take out without proper credit!
