[INT] WPK Magazine Interview, Spring 2011


In January ZE:A had their 1st anniversary. In Japan, they became one of the popular idol already but not feeling enough with this current condition, they release Japanese song, and then they went acting in action movie, these 9 people are always dare to try something new. While clamorously & excited, they said in mind.

-- Interview by Yuka Furubayashi

=昨年12月に日本語曲「ラヴ☆レター」と英語曲「My only wish」をリリースしましたが、それぞれ日本人、アメリカのプロヂューサーと組んだそうですね。新鮮に思ったことや、勉強になったと思うことはありましたか?

= Last year in December, you released Japanese song 「Love☆Letter」and English Song 「My only wish」, you’re associated with both Japanese & American producer, aren’t you? Is there something that you think fresh and must do well?
D: Usually I only sing my own part, but this time, each of 9 people circled and sang one song, it’s really fresh. At first, we’re worried about the dialect of the words (that we’re going to sing), but since everyone’s being cheerful, so it’s easy to make a mutual understanding ambiance, I was very delighted.
HS: True true. With a really comfortable ambiance, it felt like working together with your friends to do music.

=「My only wish」での、ヒョンシクさんの英語の発音がとてもきれいでした。

= In 「My only wish」, Hyungshik’s English pronunciation was very lovely.
HS: (embarrassed) Really!!


=How was your English result in your student period?
HS: That’s…………..secret (laughs)!
S: I enjoyed doing conversation in English and Japanese. I’m not fluent in English, so I had to communicate closely with a mix of body language.
M: Siwan is ZE:A’s brain after all.
J: When I first met foreigner, I couldn’t take part in it well, that’s too bad.
M: As I thought, the pronunciation was difficult. At the beginning, when we practice to listen I thought it’ll okay but when we had to do it, it’s difficult. That’s why we did enough individual practice too.


=Japanese and English, which one is difficult?
M: Both.
HC: In my memory, I went out for a while during the recording break, I was able to take a walk. (laughs)


= The picture when you went to Tokyo Joypolis has been uploaded in twitter, isn’t it?
HC: Odaiba! Shibuya!
M: I also went to Shibuya with the manager. When I stopped by the Tower Record, just exactly when they saw our advertisement, the female students beside me noticed me and went “Ah, Minwoo~~!!!”. I already wore a big mask and hat though... (laughs).


= Did you do handshake etc with them?
M: It’s disturbing to be noticed in unexpected places, so I just nodded, and then walked away to flee the place (laughs).
D: Because I and Kwanghee hyung went to Disney Land, a lot of people noticed us.
KH: Because I wore full make up, isn’t it?
D: Kwanghee hyung is indeed feels that he’s very noticeable, “They noticed me~ Look~”


= I can imagine it (laughs). Well, back to our conversation, what was Taehun’s memory about the recording?
TH: This time I didn’t rap, for the first time I sing, however I was in charge of 「Love☆Letter」’s last part. When we’re in the middle of recording, I got praised that I did well, I was delighted that I got applauded.

=続いては3月公開の映画「RONIN POP」のお話を。日韓共作の、近未来を舞台にしたアクション映画ですが、主演の話を聞いた時の感想は?

= Next, talking about the launching of movie 「RONIN POP」in March. How did you feel when you heard that you’re going to act in the upcoming action movie by the Japan & South Korea’s collaboration?
All: “Ehh~!” “Really?!”
M: I thought that we met the happy stage in our life.


= It was taken in October last year but when did you heard about the movie’s story that you starred in?
HS: It’s in October last year.


= Eh? Then, it’s taken as soon as you heard it?
All: Yes.


= What a great schedule. In the shooting, in what point are you working hard at?
KH: Because I played the role villain minion Kwanghee, I had a scene where I have to kill each other with Junyoung. It’s an essential situation so I had to pour my power into it. Thanks to the shooting throughout the day, our relationship gradually became brutal (laughs).
HS: I also became a villain, because I had to play an opposite character like my usual, it’s extremely hard.
M: All of us took roles that were the opposite of our natural character.
D: (Lazily whispers) I was also the same. (Editor’s comment: Dongjun was said to act as the reincarnation of carefree monkey, Ape).
M: Because I’ve been struggling in the assault stunt role, I tried to make it OK in 1-time take, so I especially concentrated in the action scenes.
HC: Because there were a lot of scenes where Junyoung hyung got assaulted, maybe he’s the one that hurt the most.
M: I watched the preliminary editing, it was finished cooler than I expected.


= Have you ever thought ‘I want to seriously become an actor in the future~’?
All: (Altogether) Yes.
D: The stage also, I think it as an acting field. So, I want to do it side by side with my job in music.


=Next, the album that is released in South Korea this spring, how is it going to be?
J: We can’t tell about it but, to put it in one word it’s the best!! I think 2011 is going to be the year of ZE:A.
S: I think when this magazine is out our album would be released too, can you write it? [I’ll be glad to rank 1st] (laughs).
All: (Roar of laughter)
J: Because after our Korean record, we’re also going to release Japanese record, I think we’re going to be in the first ranking of Japan’s chart (laughs).

=さすがZE:Aのブレーン&リーダー! 最後に今後、挑戦したいことを教えてください。

= As expected ZE:A’s brain & leader! Lastly from now, please tell me things that you want to challenge!
T: Since I’m working hard at composing my own song & lyric, my target is to put my own made song into the album.
M: Recently, I’m increasing my own desire. As well as music, acting, playing musical instrument, I want to try everything greedily.
D: I want to show more of my gifted reflexes.
HS: Dongjun is going to be in the next Olympic (laughs).
D: Today, after this, I will swim back to South Korea (laughs).


= You had great success in South Korean’s sport program, right! I wish everyone will also appear in the sports program such as 「Sasuke*」.
S:We have the interest in it, so please write about we want to appear in it!
J: Then, lastly from me, last year was a ‘year to grow’ for ZE:A, so this year we want it to be a more mature year. Maknae Dongjun too has been 20 years old already (Korean’s age) so rather than be an ‘Idle Idol’ I want to be a mature group that shows coolness.

*T/N: "Sasuke" also known as "Ninja Warrior", it's a TV show about sport.

Source: WPK Magazine Spring 2011 edition
Translation: fetishoney @EmpireChildren + Kaori
do not take out without proper credit!