[NEWS] JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun’s Photoshoot Images Become Hot Topic

JYJ members Kim Jaejoong and Park Yoochun’s photographs from an apparel ad photoshoot has captured the female fans’ hearts.

On 18 April, the apparel brand left a message online, saying “You’ve waited for a long time, right? From today, we will be revealing everything bit by bit.” and also uploaded images from the photoshoot location. In the photograph, the little girl stands between the two members and is holding on to one of their hands each. Both members were wearing short-sleeved t-shirts with matching khaki pants, while carrying a picnic basket, creating a casual atmosphere. Netizens who saw the photo said, “If only I could be that little girl,” “I can’t wait for more photos to be revealed,” and other comments.

Also, JYJ’s other member Kim Junsu, who is part of the celebrity football team FC MEN, scored the winning goal during the “2011 Peace Star Cup Celebrity Soccer Competition” held on 15 April, showing his true soccer potential.

Source : [BaiduTVXQ + Isplus]

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