[Trans] Junho interview from Elle Girl

Kor-Eng: Haeda @2pmalways| Scan credit to ahing @yamang0125

EG I heard you arrived in Korea early this morning. You look in good shape. I was surprised you came to the studio by yourself without your manager. I arrived this morning after a CF filming in Thailand. As we are beastly-dols, even our concept of the CF was to jump out of the jungle and smell the scent of the woman.(Laughs) I used to enjoy going overseas in our early days but now I feel tired going on plane rides. But then again, I enjoy having alone-time during the flight. Watching movies, listening to music, write lyrics...

EG I was deeply impressed with your passion for this photoshoot by being involved in the pre-meetings and all. What is your favourite image of yourself portrayed in the photos? Rather than what kind of image, I just like to be inside the photos. Because I'm always different depending on the concepts and how I present myself. I want to know what colours I have, so I want to try lots of photo shoots like this one. The image I can show is very limited as 2PM when I'm shooting with the members. Beastly-dol, muscular images... Of course I enjoy them too, but being by myself lets me find out my own colours and what images suit me the best.

EG I understand you're very interested in fashion. What is your favourite style at the moment? I'm very interested but it's still hard to express it on the outside. I practice dancing a lot so I prefer comfortable clothes and that's what I tend to wear. I used to like hats but not so much nowadays. Just something natural with glasses I guess.

EG Do you watch music programmes on TV while you're taking a break from album promotions like now? I try not to. I purposely separate myself from it. So that I can just watch it while passing by and think 'hey, I want to be on it, too.' Rather than broadcasts, I catch the news through articles. Just to find out who came first and what style was good etc. Even when I'm listening to songs, I don't listen to the newest ones. Pop song, jazz, old K-pop is what I usually listen to.

EG How do you spend your time at your dorm when you don't have any schedule?
I like to study composition or write lyrics. Just jotting things down by myself. I used to like going out but now I find it tiring to make time to do that. Typically, I'd surf the net, listen to music, work on projects etc.

EG Are you interested in anything or pay attention to something in particular at the moment? How the world goes around. I read lots of news and books. I also read the economic papers on iPad. It's enjoyable finding small things I didn't know about through reading books. Recently I read which is a transcription of EBS 'Knowledge Channel' and I also like Bernard Werber's novels. After reading things like that, my do-nothing time has become my thinking time. It also helps with my lyrics and I get more ideas.

EG When I think of 'JUNHO', I think of words like effort-maker and killer-instinct(=must win). And probably more rational than emotional. Effort-maker and killer-instinct are all words that describe me but that's only a few sides of me that I've shown so far. I think I'm actually more indecisive and emotional so I spend more time thinking.

EG Are you good at making new friends easily? When I was young I had no fear of new people. I became good friends with new people and call them older sisters and brothers. But I think some kind of wall was created when I passed my teens. Now that I have 'my own thoughts', I tend to hang out with people that share similar thoughts. But I still like meeting different kinds of people. Because the more I meet, the more I learn.

EG Do you know about your my-ideal-type-is-someone-good-for-my-next-generation on portal sites? Is it still the same? Somewhat. It's not like I need my junior right now.(Laughs) My ideal type... Well. I like them all.

EG Survival music programmes are trending these days. As a person who has already experienced such programmes, how do you feel when you watch them? During the days of 'Hot Blood Boys', there weren't that many entrants or even interests from people. In fact, we heard bad things because we were on TV when we weren't even celebrities. Because there weren't that many shows that involved non-celebrities. Nowadays people become well known and hot issues even just by showing up on TV. But what I'd like to tell those people is that I don't want them to think about the negative comments and surroundings. Although I came 1st, I debuted with Taecyeon and Chansung who failed in the 1st and 2nd shows. The most important thing is to know where you are right now, where you want to go exactly, and to keep persevering.

EG I'm guessing you wouldn't have thought of the power of idol groups at the time you debuted as 2PM. I couldn't even imagine it. TV shows were dominated by idols when I saw TV at home during New Years or Thanks Giving. In the past it used to be about older celebrities talking about their life or family. It's kinda strange now. But it's all a phase, don't you think? Because it's easier to become sick of things if you see them too much. I already think changes are happening seeing programmes like 'I'm a Singer' are receiving high interests.

EG How do you feel when you reminisce your pre-debut days before becoming 2PM? I was sad whatever I did during my trainee days. The ramen noodles I eat now taste different to ramen I used to eat back then. The total number of minutes I spent eating all three meals did not exceed 15 minutes. I was desperate for the debut and had no time to think slow in order to keep my place in the company and not be fired from lack of practice. I'd stop by at a convenient store to buy kimbab, cup noodles, banana milk etc on the way to the company at about 9 in the morning. Because you had to come in early to grab a vocal practice room and start practicing. I used to eat within 5 minutes to practice. At one stage I was suffering from stress so much that I was so sick and had a stomach infection. I had no money and couldn't tell my parents so I had to buy and eat porridges from the convenient store. But then there were fun times when I had practice with other trainee friends till 3am and ate so much meat and fastfood that I gained a lot of weight. I kinda regret I don't have that many "spectacular" events in my childhood. It would've been fun to be a real teenager and go crazy at times. I'd be in deep trouble if I got into fights now.

EG Do 2PM members share thoughts about the future? A lot. Even yesterday in Thailand, me, Nichkhun and Wooyoung had some spare time so we talked about things while swimming and eating. What kind of songs we want to sing, what kind of performances, etc. But everyone has different thoughts. Someone from the group or a third person has to mediate us. It's hard to gather our opinions but I like it because we have so many different thoughts.

EG You have a concert tour upcoming in May for a month. What kind of preparations are you going through? Our performances will be something that we can share with the fans at a close distance. The concerts will be in smaller venues that can hold about 2000~3000 people at a time. We've put together things from our concert from last year, new singles, which we're releasing in Japan, and a few Japanese songs.

EG You'll be separated from your family for a while again. Are you a tender son to your parents?
Yes. I express my love for them very often. Because I knew the preciousness of my parents when I was young. When I was very little my father was away for years as he used to be a sailor. Even when he came back our family was tight on living so both my parents had to work. This was when I was an elementary student so it wasn't common for both parents to be working. One day I was so sad when I was playing by myself at home. I used to call mum, tell her I missed her and cried so she'd come home early.

EG Are you emotionally affected by the seasons? Feeling restless since Spring is here... I feel restless all throughout the four seasons. Because I'm still not at a stage where I'm securely placed. Just because I'm 2PM it doesn't mean that's the end. I think I'll be restless till the day I die. I am continuously thinking about what I have to achieve, what I shouldn't do from tomorrow and so on. Without these reflections I will not be able to advance to the next step. Take today as an example - I evaluate my day and think if the photos look bad or if they are good, did I complain to the staff etc.

EG Don't worry about photos and people today. It's already April. Do you have any plans you want to achieve this year? I want to hear 'of course it's 2PM'(=2PM does not let us down). And wish for each member to expand their possibilities. Once each and every one of us members are in a stable position, then our power as 2PM would become bigger when we're united. I'm curious about many things, want to try everything and have confidence in myself. I want to show that I have many different colours within me. This is for the far off future, but after I try harder and have more abilities, I want to live a sharing life. Although I'm only only able to make small donations to UNICEF, soon I will increase my share and help many people with my own abilities.