[Twitter] JungShin recommends Love Girl as a picnic song

@CNBLUE_4: 여러분 안녕하세요 정신입니다! 요즘 날씨가 너무 좋네요! 또 요즘 좋은 소식이 많이 들리고 있어서인지 더욱 기분이 좋네요! 이번 FIRST STEP + 1 THANK YOU 앨범 많이 사랑해 주시고 날씨좋을때 LOVE GIRL 들으며 피크닉 가시길 추천 해 드려요!! 항상 감사합니다 !

Translation: Hello everybody I’m Jungshin! The weather’s been great lately! And I am feeling really good because I have heard many good news lately too! Please give lots of love to our FIRST STEP + 1 THANK YOU album and I recommend that you listen to Love Girl on your way to a picnic!! Thank you, like always!

Source: CNBLUE_4@twitter
Translated by: Gera@cnbluestorm