[Trans] U-Kiss @ Junior Magazine

Animal Test 1: The members had to choose an animal that they think will send good future messages. They also chose an animal that is most likely to tell bad news. The choices: tiger, dog, lamb, parrot, and turtle.
Animal Test 2: From the choices lion, horse, lamb, cow, and monkey, the members had to choose which animals they would get rid of first.
Animal Test 3: The members chose how they will “move”/”transport” these animals: snake, monkey, and bird
Animal Test 4: This test will show how the members will react if their crush had a boyfriend by choosing an animal.

Animal Test 1 Result: Same as AJ and Kiseop, Kevin chose a lamb to carry good future news and a tiger to send out bad messages. This shows that Kevin’s future partner/wife must treat him with warmth and comfort. Choosing the tiger, this shows Kevin’s future partner should not be someone that is demanding and controlling. His test results show his greatest fear is to live under a roof of a demanding wife.
Animal Test 2 Result: Cow-Lamb-Lion-Monkey-Horse is the order that Kevin will get rid of these animals. Kevin thinks of work as most important then his friend/future partner. Getting rid of the cow first shows that Kevin does not stress on money.
Animal Test 3 Result: Kevin chose to throw the snake away and hold the monkey. With the bird, he would put it on his shoulders. Throwing the snake away shows Kevin will have money problems but will not care too much. Holding the monkey shows Kevin will give all his love to his future partner. The way he puts the bird indicates he thinks of his future child with great care.
Animal Test 4 Result: Kevin chose a giraffe. Because of the long neck, giraffes are able to find out good information about everything. This shows that Kevin will pin point the girl’s favorite things and do it for her in order to get her attention.

Animal Test 1 Result: Eli chose a dog to send out good messages and a lamb to deliver bad messages. These results show Eli’s future partner/wife should trust him with everything and follow his path. On the other hand, the results show Eli’s fear is meeting someone that does same things until he gets old.
Animal Test 2 Result: Lion-Lamb-Cow-Monkey-Horse is the order Eli will get rid of first. These results show Eli thinks of work as most important. Following work, friends and his future partner is the next most important thing. The last things that are important to him are money and his future child.
Animal Test 3 Result: Eli chose to make the monkey follow him. He answered that he would hold the snake. With the bird, Eli chooses to let it fly wherever it wants to go. Having the monkey follow him, this shows that Eli’s future partner should follow him. Letting the bird fly anywhere shows Eli will give space and freedom to his future children as they get older. Holding the snake shows Eli will be in charge of money problems and do whatever it takes to support his family.
Animal Test 4 Result: Eli chose an elephant. If his crush has a girlfriend, he would not bother her.

Animal Test 1 Result: AJ chose the lamb to send out good future messages. He chose the tiger to send out bad messages. This shows that AJ’s future partner/wife must treat him with warmth and comfort. Choosing the tiger, this shows AJ’s future partner should not be someone that is demanding and controlling. His test results show his greatest fear is to live under a roof of a demanding wife.
Animal Test 2 Result: Monkey-Lamb-Cow-Lion-Horse is the order AJ chose to get rid of. Getting rid of the horse last shows AJ treasures work first. Following this, AJ values his future child, wife, and friends next. Because friends is last on his list, he must work hard in order to receive full love from them.
Animal Test 3 Result: AJ chose to put the monkey on his right arm and the snake on his left. He then decided to put the bird on his shoulders. These results show the AJ believes protecting his future partner/wife is key. Putting the snake on his left arm shows he does not easily fall into temptations.
Animal Test 4 Result: AJ chose an elephant. AJ believes if the girl isn’t for him, he should have nothing to do with him.

Animal Test 1 Result: Kiseop chose a lamb to send out good future messages and chose the tiger that will send out bad messages. Kiseop’s choice of the lamb resembles a warm, and comfortable personality. This shows that Kiseop’s future partner/wife must treat him with warmth and comfort. Choosing the tiger, this shows Kiseop’s future partner should not be someone that is demanding and controlling. His test results show his greatest fear is to live under a roof of a demanding wife.
Animal Test 2 Result: Tiger-Monkey-Cow-Lamb-Horse is the order Kiseop will get rid of first. Getting rid of the horse last, this shows Kiseop treasures work. The next is he treasures his future child, wife, and friends.
Animal Test 3 Result: Kiseop answered that he will take the monkey, snake, and bird in his car to transport them. This result shows Kiseop thinks of his close family and friends as his top priority and will do whatever it takes to make them comfortable.
Animal Test 4 Result: Kiseop chose an elephant. This shows that he is someone who doesn’t care as much. Kiseop will simply move on. It also shows he will be less likely to be in situation like this.

Animal Test Result 1: Dongho chose the tiger that will most likely send good future messages and chose the turtle that will send out bad messages. These results show Dongho expects to meet his future partner/girlfriend who has strong wills and ambitions. Choosing the turtle, the future partner/girlfriend Dongho should NOT meet is someone who does not know how to smile and someone who is always serious.
Animal Test Result 2: Monkey-Lamb-Lion-Cow-Horse is the order that Dongho chose to get rid of first. He values work the most then money. Falling that, he cares for his friends/partner.
Animal Test Result 3: Dongho chose to have the snake wrap around the monkey’s neck and have the bird sit on the monkey’s shoulders. With his, he would hold hands with the monkey. This shows that Dongho will trust his future partner/girlfriend 100%. Dongho will have his future partner/girlfriend take care of finance problems and have her take care of their future child’s education. Holding hands with the monkey show that Dongho will work hard with his partner to be together forever.
Animal Test Result 4: Dongho chose a lion. Even though he looks strong on the outside, he is weak. Dongho will not confess to his crush; therefore, he will only watch her from far away.

Animal Test Result 1: Soohyun chose the parrot as the animal that will send good future messages. He chose the dog that will most likely send out bad messages. Soohyun will be happiest when he meets his future partner (girlfriend) that knows how to make him happy. He will also be happiest when she has the best humor and is very outgoing. Choosing a dog, Soohyun will be miserable if he meets a partner (girlfriend) that seeks attention and only works hard to please others.
Animal Test Result 2: Lamb-Monkey-Horse-Cow is the order that Soohyun chose to get rid of first. This shows that Soohyun values money first and then his job and friends/partner. Also, these results show Soohyun will value his future child greatly.
Animal Test Result 3: Soohyun stated that he would make the snake walk on its stomach be it has no legs. He also stated he would hold hands with the monkey as they walk together. At the end, he chose the bird to fly above his head. The monkey is his future partner/girlfriend, the snake is his fortune, and the bird is his future child. Because Soohyun stated that he would throw away the snake, his fortune (making money) does not look good. Putting the bird above his head shows that his future child will be his number one priority. Holding hands with the monkey shows Soohyun will work hard with his future partner to be together forever.
Animal Test Result 4: What would Soohyun do if his crush already had a boyfriend? Soohyun chose the animal lion. Even though he looks strong on the outside, he is weak. Soohyun will not confess to his crush; therefore, he will only watch her from far away.

Animal Test Result 1: Hoon chose the lamb as the animal that will send out good future messages and the turtle as the animal that will send out bad messages. This shows that Hoon’s future partner/wife must treat him with warmth and comfort. Choosing the turtle, the future partner/girlfriend Hoon should NOT meet is someone who does not know how to smile and someone who is always serious.
Animal Test Result 2: Cow-Lion-Lamb-Horse-Monkey is the order Hoon would get rid of. This shows that Hoon’s top priorities are his wife and friends. Getting rid of the monkey shows that Hoon will easily let go of money.
Animal Test Result 3: Hoon chose to put the monkey on his shoulders and wrap the snake around his head. He then decided to put the bird on top of his hand. Putting the monkey on his shoulders indicate his future partner/wife will listen well to Hoon. Wrapping the snake around his head show that he will make a descent amount of money and spend it wisely. Finally, putting the bird on top of his hand show he will take care of his future child when it is necessary.
Animal Test Result 4: Hoon chose a zebra. If Hoon finds that his crush is the “love of his life”, he will do whatever it takes to get her. The fact that she has a boyfriend does not matter to Hoon.

kissmeukiss + r2pi @ tumblr (translations)