[INT] Brian Joo Exclusive Interview: All New Music Showing More Sides of Me

Source: http://trend.yoho.cn/content_0_8335.html

Editor: Da Jun

(Other pics can be found in source link. All 7 pics have been uploaded to our "Brian Joo UNVEILED 2011 Shanghai Showcase 2" album)

For his first time coming to China to do promotions as a solo artist, Brian has brought along his newest EP "Unveiled" with him this time. "Unveiled" is Brian's first album released through his new company Jellyfish with ballads being the main focus. For the cover, Brian changed from his usual cute, humourous image and showed the public a deep sobbing image. This shocked many fans and made them sigh; at the same time, they were deeply drawn to this other emotional side of Brian.

To thank his fans in China for their many years of support and love, Brian has come to Shanghai this time to have a fanmeeting that comprises of keywords such as "date", "house party", and "party." This is to allow Brian and fans to have sweet interactions and to let everyone have a sweet and unforgettable memory together in the midsummer night.

Yoho! has also interviewed Brian, deeply exploring Brian's new transformation in music! The fresh and handsome Brian is cheerful and enjoys talking. He is also very funny, creating an animated atmosphere during the short interview. If we were to say that the Brian in the past is an active boy, then now, he has already grown into an emotionally-rich and more gentle man. With his excellent vocals, we cannot help but fall in love with him.

Y = Yoho!

B = Brian

Y: Being the first time coming to China as a solo artist, what kind of special feelings do you have?

B: For the promotions in China this time, I feel very excited. Because as a solo artist, I can go to all parts of the world. It's very fortunate to come to Shanghai this time. Because prior to this, I often go to the U.S. and Japan, etc. to do promotions. However, I felt very regretful that I haven't really visited China that much. At the same time, I felt very apologetic to all the fans in China. This time, I can come to China once again and meet with the fans in Shanghai. I'm very happy and also hope that the friends in Shanghai won't forget me, and they'll be happy when they see me.

Y: What kind of expectations do you have for the fanmeeting?

B: I'm really looking forward to it. No matter where I go, I always have a great desire to meet with friends who like my music or watch my TV shows. Being able to meet with fans is probably the most wonderful part of my job.

Y: Why did you title this album "Unveiled"?

B: Just as you can see from the album cover, I'm wearing a mask. Behind the mask is me who's crying. The word Unveiled means that I want to take off my mask, and this mask represents fame. Not only in Korea but also anywhere, the fame that artists have will become a kind of obstacle in life. Because people are always paying close attention to us, we can't do whatever we feel like doing. At the same time, people will also criticize us on some trivial matters. The mask represents my image in the eyes of everyone. But underneath the mask, I'm just an average person like everyone else. So, using the word Unveiled is to let everyone know that it's time to use real life to show the real me. In this mini album, it happened to show that I would go through things that are painful and things that are gentle. It shows me being an average person in real life with emotions and not an artist.

Y: During the cover photoshoot, you had to cry. Did you think it was challenging?

B: Not at all. I think this is possibly what I do best in terms of acting. When I was in high school, whenever I faced hardships, I'd always cry to my mom to escape from my troubles.

Y: Why did you want to make changes to your musical style?

B: Two reasons. When I was discussing with my company, we asked when people mention "Brian", what would they think of? Most of the time, they'd think of Fly to the Sky. I hope to change this. As for the changes on musical style, it's not that I don't like hip-hop and club style music. In fact, I love them and I haven't given up on them. At the same time, I also want to do some things for my fans. Because a lot of fans had said that they hoped I can release more songs that have a slower tempo, so I hope I can satisfy my fans.

Y: In the MV, there seemed to be a scene where you had to use your hand to break a mirror. Was it challenging to act this kind of scene?

B: Yes, that actually hurt me. I had to break the mirror that was hanging on the wall into pieces. Supposedly, there should be an extra gap between the wall and mirror. But for the actual filming, the gap was too small. The first take for filming, I didn't break it, but it already hurt my finger. For the second take, blood squirted out.

Y: What's the difference in feeling between performing in a musical and singing?

B: The biggest difference is when you are standing on stage to sing. When you're singing, you're showing yourself and singing what you want to sing. But when you're a performer in a musical, you're not just singing. You're also acting a role at the same time. This is the most important aspect of a musical. Frankly speaking, when I first started, I was pretty scared. But through the practices each day and also asking other actors for tips, I have already conquered my fears. But honestly, it's not easy to act in a musical. It's pretty tough. But I can find enjoyment and learn a lot of things from it.

Y: Do you want to try acting in TV dramas or movies?

B: Right now, I don't have plans to change into an actor yet. But recently, I went to Hollywood. So, I really look forward to being able to act in a role for a movie or TV drama. Hopefully, this can happen one day.

Y: Do you have any Chinese stars that you admire?

B: I'm not too familiar with a lot of stars in China. The one I'm more familiar with is Taiwan's Van Ness Wu because we've worked together before.

Y: Can you talk a bit about being involved in the charity 3rd Wave last year?

B: This is something that has an enormous impact on me and many people. Actually, I was originally planning to go to Africa to help the children there and those who need hope to continue to live. Just as everyone knows, I really love my musical career. At the same time, I also hope to make the kind of music that after listening, it'd allow people to feel moved and want to hold onto what they love. So when I found out about this project that can truly help African children, I said that I wanted to help them.

Y: Have you given any thought to singing a song in Chinese?

B: Maybe next time. I really want to learn Chinese. This is also a big wish in my life. Just like I want to perform, I have the kind of earnest desire for making music towards learning Chinese. But right now, the biggest problem is I don't have enough time to allow me to learn.

Y: Thank you for accepting Yoho's interview. Wishing you success in advance at the fanmeeting!

B: Thank you!


TRANSLATION CREDITS: http://twitter.com/brianjoo110 + http://www.facebook.com/brianjoocanada

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