[NEWS] BEAST is the surprise guest on '1 Night 2 Days' viewer tour part 3, why?


국민아이돌로 거듭난 비스트가 국민예능 ‘1박2일’에 출연했다.

최근 KBS 2TV ‘해피선데이-1박2일’ 관계자에 따르면 비스트는 8월26일과 27일 양일간 진행된 ‘1박2일’ 시청자투어 3탄에 깜짝출연했다. 시청자투어의 백미인 특별 축하공연을 위해서다.

비 스트는 26이 오후 극비리에 부산을 찾았고 100명의 시청자들과 ‘1박2일’ 멤버들이 대기하고 있는 베이스캠프를 찾았다. 아이돌이 ‘1박2일’을 찾은 것은 이례적인 일로 1박2일 멤버들은 물론 100명의 시청자들 역시 놀라움을 감추지 못했다.

이날 비스트는 ‘픽션’과 ‘뷰티풀’ 두 곡을 열창한 것으로 알려졌다. 10대와 20대 여성팬이 특히 환호했으며 비스트의 깜짝 출연으로 이날 시청자투어의 분위기가 한껏 달아올랐다는 후문이다.

이날 녹화분은 9월 11일 방송될 예정이다.


BEAST, who had been recognized as nation’s idol group, had appeared on the nation’s variety show program ‘1 Night 2 Days’.

According a recent statement from KBS 2TV ‘Happy Sunday – 1 Night 2 Day’, BEAST had made a surprise appearance from the ‘1 Night 2 Day’ viewer tour part 3 that lasted from August 26th to the 27th. It was for a congratulatory performance that is the highlight of the viewer tour.

BEAST had arrived at Busan on the 26th and visited the base camp housing the 100 viewers and the ‘1 Night 2 Days’ members. Since it had been a surprise that an idol visited ‘1 Night 2 Days’ for this reason, the members of the show and the 100 viewers were not able to hide their excitement.

It has been know that BEAST had sung ‘Fiction’ and ‘Beautiful’ on this day. Female fans in their 10s and 20s showed off their excitement and from their surprise appearance, the viewer tour had gained much more hype.

The recorded parts of this show will be shown on Septemeber 11th.