[News] Jang Geun-seok sings the National Anthem in Tokyo Dome

Jang Geun-seok sang the Korean National Anthem in Tokyo Dome, Japan.

Prior to the Japanese Tsunami Charity Event, 'The 2nd Korea - Japan Dream Game' on the 24th, Jang Geun-seok sang the National Anthem.

This event was very looked forward to as the Japanese media had reported it on the 3rd.

The audience gave a round of applause at Jang Geun-seok's National Anthem and he also threw the first ball as a suggestion by Kim Seung-woo.

Netizens say, "It's overwhelming to sing the National Anthem in Tokyo Dome", "He's promoting Korea alright", "I'm proud of him" and more.

Meanwhile, Jang Geun-seok is holding an exclusive concert in Tokyo Dome on the 26th of November.

Source : news.nate.com/view/20... ( Korean )
Translated by Hancinema.net