[News] T-ara to hold Christmas concert in Japan

Girl group T-ara will be having a very busy end of the year ahead of them.

It has been revealed, through T-ara's Japanese website, that the girls will hold a series of concert in Japan this December. "T-ara X'mas Premium LIVE' will be held at Tokyo's Shinagawa Stella Ball on December 20th, Nagoya's Zepp Nagoya on the 21st and in Osaka's Zepp Osaka on the next day.

It has been also revealed that only purchasers of T-ara's latest single "Yayaya" will be able to sign up for the concert. Tickets will not be sold separately.

"Yayaya" will be T-ara's follow up track after Japanese debut single "Bo Peep Bo Peep". The single will be released on November 30th in Japan.

Meanwhile, T-ara is currently gearing up for their Korea's comeback. Earlier, the girls revealed the teaser video for their upcoming movie music video "Cry Cry".

Source: 10asia
Written by: jhezwafu @dkpopnews.net