[TRANS] UP2U Magazine Issue #6 - October 2011 "Nichkhun…life, from all angles" (Part 2 of 2)

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CREDITS : UP2U Magazine (SOURCE); ferniiture (TRANS); attitood@2ONEDAY.COM (EDIT)

Nichkun…life, from all angles
(Part 2/2)

"If I know where the camera is, I will try to not look at it. The photographer can take a good picture by himself.”

Up: You mentioned about performances twice already, would you call yourself a superstar?
NK: A superstar is what other people call me. But for 2PM or myself we are a ‘Performing Group’.

Up: Have you ever talked to Chansung, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho or Junsu about where you would like to set your goals?
NK: We would like to go around the world. We would like to show people in Europe, Africa, America what we have. The one thing I’m really proud of wherever we perform is when fans hold up "Nichkhun" signs in Thai, and these people are not even Thai. Instead they are foreigners who practiced writing and speaking in Thai so that they would be able to say to me “Hello Nichkhun, I love you, I love Thailand”. When that happens, it feels really overwhelming, I cannot put it in words.

Up: When you visited Japan, a Japanese TV station ran a story about how you created Thai Fever in South Korea. Can you tell us about that?
NK: This is something I’m really proud of, very honored as well, because the Korean fans are interested in Thai culture. They learnt how to cook Thai food and to speak Thai so they could greet me in Thai, some made Thai food for me too! But deep down, I think that for many Thai artists, if they’ve had the chances that I had, they would definitely do much better than me. I really believe that. I know where I started from, I started from zero,I had noting. Some examples such as; Bodyslam, if they had the chance to represent Thailand on the Asian stage or even just in Korea, I’m sure they will be able to succeed. They are talented and I’ve been following them since the first album, or Ben Chalatit, his voice is that good. These people truly have the potential. Koreans love the Thai people, they would go far.

Up: Meanwhile, many Thai teenagers are taking Korean classes because they like K-pop artists. Is there anything you would like to tell them?
NK: There is nothing wrong about studying or being interested in foreign cultures. It actually helps open different perspectives about how people from different countries think about ‘this and that’. Something that foreigners think might be different from the Thai. It is an advantage to know this kind of stuff; you would be able to improve yourself and Thailand as a country. In today’s world, people have to open up to be able to know themselves and other people better. I think it is good that they are studying Korean. It is better than doing something that cause harm to others. But the most important thing is that you should never forget Thai culture. We were born Thai, we can study about other country, but we have to be proud to be Thai. People often ask me where I come from, and I would answer proudly that “I’m Thai. I come from Thailand.”

Up: On Twitter your are following a writer named Paulo Coelho (@paulocoelho). Do you like to read his book as well?
NK: I like one of his books called “The Alchemist”. It’s a story about journey in search of dreams. I’d like to recommend this book, the faster you can read it the better. Paulo Coelho teaches about how to live a quality life. I like this one quote that says; “A person who is afraid of death is very foolish. Eventually death will come. One should be more afraid about living life foolishly before death.”

Up: What religion do you believe in?
NK: Buddhism. Unfortunately I don’t have much time to visit temples, but when I was young I use to be a Buddhist novice. Back then I wanted to play with my friends but when I ordained I felt calm and peaceful.

Up: I can’t help but asking, what would you be doing if, today or in the future, you are no longer a member of 2PM?
NK: I would like to take cooking classes (beams). I want to be a chef. Cooking is an art which can be eaten, it is tangible and it can make people happy which is something interesting. I’m thinking that if I have 2 years I would like to seriously take cooking courses. I want to cook Thai food, and might open my own restaurant.

Up: Nichkhun Kitchen?
NK: Umm, good idea. I’ll use that name then (laughs loudly). It should be fun.

Up: What are you able to cook now?
NK: I can cook some Spaghetti (translator note: in Thai, spaghetti = pasta). I want to cook Thai food but I can’t do it oversea. It’s hard to find ingredients such as; basil, galangal, lemongrass and lime leaves.

Up: Your sister, Sherleen, is interested in the entrainment industry. Is there anything you told her?
NK: Yep, I told her that in this industry, to be honest, there are many things that are unreal. There is nothing stable, people might love you today but one day if you do just one thing wrong, some might stop liking you. It is something that you need to be careful of. I always tell Sherleen that no matter what you do, you need to know who you are, where you came from and how much effort you need to put in.

Up: You answered each question quite seriously. Are you actually a lighthearted or a serious person?
NK: I have both sides because I wasn’t a spoiled child. I was far from my parents since I was young. I left home and went to study here and there since I was 12. Most of the time I lived in new cultures and that taught me to have responsibility, to have courtesy. So if it is something serious I would be more intense. Many people told me that I’m the most mature in the group. If it’s about work I admit that I’m very serious with it.

Up: Talk about the big hit Hands Up.
NK: This 2PM album is very relaxed. There is less choreography than the previous one. We are more confident in expressing them. We are together for a long time so we work smoothly. There is not much somersault too. The concept is to be an entertainer, to entertain the audience.

Up: Now in the music industry, featuring with other artists seems like a trend. If possible who would you like to work with?
NK: There are many people. Like with ETC, I appeared in their MV and they invited me to sing with them. They said that they would compose a song for me. Boyd Kosiyabong is another person I dreamed of working with. Another person is Tor Saksit, we talk to each other often. I told him that we should collaborate but each of us is very busy. I have quite a number of projects elsewhere but if possible I would like to release something in Thai, I want to sing for Thai people. The kind of songs I’m thinking of is soft-toned with a piano sound.

Up: You are the person which many people want to meet, to take a photograph with. What about you? Who would you like to take a photograph with?
NK: Many people. I listen to Thai music and follow many Thai Artists. I liked Palmy since I was young, since from her first album, but I never have the chance to meet her. I would like to meet her, take some photos with her and ask for her signature.

Up: In 2012, what movies are you starring in?
NK: It’s still in the process of preparing, there should be some good news soon. I can’t reveal details just yet, but it’s a Thai movie. I’m appearing in a Japanese movie too, as a guest.

Up: Have you ever met Rain in person or hung-out with him?
NK: Yes I have. We went bowling together, it was fun. He is a very nice and disciplined hyung. We talked about work and this and that. He said 2 words that I remembered; those two words were “World Class”.

Up: You are handsome and have a great figure. Have you ever been embarrassed?
NK: I have (he whispers). There’s this one time I have so much pimples. It’s better now. I was so stress, I was like, what’s going on (laughs)?

Up: From zero, you’ve travelled the distance, in life, is there anything that is still a challenge to you?
NK: (Sits still thinking) Hollywood. It is something that I think about all the time. It would be my pride to go that far, as an Asian and as a Thai. If I can go there people would know more about Thai people, about Thailand.

Up: If you have to practice harder, prepare more rigorously, suffer from more lack of sleep. You’ll do it.
NK: Yes, definitely yes. There are hundreds of obstacles ahead of me before I reach my goal. Whenever the first challenge is ready for me, I’ll attempt it. If I do it and I know that I did good enough, if it’s “hmm… I can handle this”, I’d continue.

The interview has ended but stay tune for more!