[News] Girls’ Generation autographed J.ESTINA bag on sale

J.ESTINA is having a promotion in the main store of the Lotte Department Store by setting up an individual handbag section selling ‘Girls’ Generation Autographed Bags’.

The bags on sale this time were the ones chosen by each member of Girls’ Generation, according to their style as seen in the CF videos, which has already attracted much attention. It is also noticeable that the CF videos showing each member choosing bags garnered a total of 400,000 views from both Korea and overseas countries in just three days.

A lot of discussions are going on after J.ESTINA released information on the promotion through the department store.

In response to this, people commented, “They say that we must go to the main store of Lotte to purchase autographed bags, I should move house to Seoul”, “I want them to also sell the bags in other regions” etc.

Staff of J.ESTINA explained, “Considering the strong response received since the start of the event, we expect a lot of customers to gather on the actual day. We are preparing for everything possible now.”

On the other hand, the promotional event will start at 10.30am on November 5th, where the main store of Lotte Department Store will be selling 90 bags of 9 different designs, to customers on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Credit: bntnews.co.kr
Translated by: imwhywhy@fanwonder.com