TEEN TOP Lunatic asylum 

TEEN TOP's life is like a reality show, whenever the director shouts "Cue", they become serious and meticulously show off their idol charisma. But when the director shouts "Cut", they immediately return back to their crazy nature, with all kinds of far-fetched thinking and sloppiness, with lots of embarrassing things happening, preventing them from gaining much attention. That is why the name of "prince" wasn't used on them.
A group that has been in the palm of SHINHWA since debut, should have been grateful. However, this scene say that they aren't emotional, because after achieving their first win, ANDY complained that " Why did i cry and yet you all didn't cry on stage?" a group of emotionless children. And saying that they are strange, was due to the other side of them that people can't see through.

C.A.P Good Guy, Bad Guy, Big Guy

Ha! Hip-Hop priest~ Know as the group's big brother, members pillar of support. Though being the oldest, he loves to show aegyo~ When hoping to stop practicing in between practices, does not know when is the correct time to stop. Feeling that removing make-up is troublesome, opening up more opportunities for him to become lazier. Feeling that the difference of him between being overseas and korea itself was that when he was is South East Asia, his popularity is higher. The reason? It's because he is handsome! However, only CAP thinks this way. Once, there was a fan that exclaimed that CAP looks like a squid, so as a result, he kept endlessly asking why... Of course CAP is still a very competent leader, he always plasters on a dad smile on his face, like a brother who can understand anything, like a friend to play with. In his view, none of the member is disobedient, but also he won't allow much freedom for them. Although he has a right to make the decisions himself, he always seeks the opinion of every members, occasionally using "rock paper scissors" to decide, reflecting the fairness of democracy.
However Niel claims that : CAP always uses his point of view to convince the other members! Although being tested to be the No.2 play boy of the group, but he received more recognition by the members and exceed beyond the champion Changjo. Although he wants to be in love, "the manager will still look after us" as of the rising career, he will still have to give up. The most important thing is that CAP felt that having his own personal time is important, previously he did crack jokes that are annoying in front of his friend ( Got hit by friends too), and also find it troublesome when his friends wants to meet up thus rejected, but this is because he recognize those people as his true friends. As due to the inability to arrange time to meet up with his friend independently, CAP begins to gain the conscious of being better to his friends. Since his debut, CAP has made the decision of becoming a producer, knowing that laying a good foundation is very important, he reserves the challenge of writing lyrics and put his focus on the text. His daily diary is not simply like writing an account, but to try to make it like a poetry, like art. Of course, a man's ambition is not just that little bit, the groups' fashion king CAP unconditional dedication to caps , resulting the choreography action of " removing of the hood" on stage, however L.Joe was not able to gasp well the strength and angle, leading to CAP's sunglasses to get hook onto the hood and turns into a funny gagshow...

Chunji Facial .Face

Although being modest towards the praise made by others, Chunji has always been conscious that he is the face of the group, till the fact that he become narcissistic, making the members' fist unable to take it anymore. However, when Chunji crossdress as girl , his beauty gain much jealousy even from girls. The photo led to lots of screenshot, originally thought that under the conscious of pretty boy, that scene is a nightmare that has to be forgotten. However, Chunji said that if there is opportunity again he won't reject, "If i try dressing female-clothing again, i would like to transform into a pure and sexy, long hair with double eyelid types like - Kwon Ji Hyun, Kim Tae Hee Sonbaes (Laughs)". Even though Chunji's face is fair, his body is certainly a man, with a shoulder that god gaves causes envy from the members, Ricky even claim that his shoulder wideness is about 60cm~ Like cars, houses, watches those luxurious items has been regarded by him as a man's romantic. This precocious state of mind of chunji has never been a secret. At a small fanmeeting that time, he shouted as he lost during a game, but immediately took off his coat and start dancing "crazy" without the music. He did say that he hopes to be closer with SHINEE's taemin, but when finally their schedule overlaps that day, the member strive to push him to taemin, yet he run back due to shyness.... super afraid of insects, Once seen a locust and he started screaming and running about. This is actually not embarrassing, what's embarrassing is that the sister next to him calmly trampled the locust to death... At this point, bid farewell to his masculinity.

Same as the other members, the height problem is the most sensitive matter to him. Wearing the pure white formal dress, standing in the freezing water for photoshoot that time, everyone wish to end it as so as possible, only for him to bother to find two irregular shape stone, enduring the foot massage and stand on it. Towards the reality of Chunji's incompetent in art, everyone seems to have reached a consensus. When heard that he wants to draw a potraits, members would immediately turned around and fled. But if like Niel when you couldn' t escape, you can only suffer the pain of a small curly-haired handsome chap becoming a instant noodles hair ahjumma trauma... Graduated, Became an adult, Chunji felt that he should have become more cautious and set a good example for many of his younger fans. But as for the members, he would only like to ask for gifts when he turn into an adult. But of course, L.Joe with same age can be exempted. Like a fish in water on stage, however due to the graduation performance which is his first time singing in front of his friends cause him to be at loss. Even with his packed schedule, his immense longing for university life would not stop him from his enrollment!

L.Joe Little Chick Flys~

Not as Lee Byung Hun but L.Joe, He's finally famous! Please forget the no brain thinking, dangerous comment of " Between man even when bathing it's okay to hug". Not anymore of the foul face king, less speech king, no longer the hair that has not dye any color, almost comparable to the beauty salon's color palette, he has really become everyone's focus of attention! Except for the rap and standing in a row part of the "Crazy" stage performance, we could hardly spot him during the choreography, causing much anxiety from fans. Though he consider himself to be a third-class dancer in the group, in TEEN TOP's many choreography dances, he is most proud of the "knife dance". Even though we couldn't really spot him on stage, in the MV his outbreaks of tears acting is very amazing. However this evaluation was given by others, to him, he said that if he was to watch again he will still cry...
Don't get bind by the usual Chic looking L.Joe, he's a master of those clingy love relationship, frequently post a "meong" looking selca, then say " Our Angel, I miss you" or something. But if this put L.Joe in a position of being a shy outside but wild inside person, then you're wrong. Every time when it comes to appearance topic, he becomes super sensitive. If a person praise him right in front of him, he may kept quiet or roar to cover his overwhelming good mood and shyness. To be accurate, L.joe has already established his thinking of being a charming guy due to the other members praises of his any expression being charming, although it seems unreasonable when this comes out of his own mouth, but there's comment like L.joe is handsome and Ricky is ugly. In addition, L.joe is truly a mommy's boy. When sleeping, he is always seeking for his mother... as he grumbles and stretched out his devil kiss towards Ricky, causing him to flee instantly!
L.Joe is very stubborn, regardless of how he stress his philosophy of life to "enduring three times", he also has his unbreakable L.joe's principles. Though his desire for acting, but music has always been in his first place. His desire of having his own studio has not never been eliminate. Also, L.joe is always the same "BIGBANG's Sunflower", "Lies" is his favorite song, where he sing everywhere he goes. What makes L.Joe excited is that the recent increase of TEEN TOP's male fans, though they all are shy, but when they went for fansign and tell the members that their song is nice cause led l.joe to be overjoyed!

Niel My tenderness you will never understand~

Vocal's golden voice is in fact not the need for Niel to show off, with the accumulate stage experiences, the ability to overcome stage phobia is what makes him proud of. Niel says that he is ambitious towards variety, eventhough of his ambiguous speaking tone which cause him to get the alias of "Speech fool", during variety show, he won't allow the opportunity for the other members to speak. But in the age of desire for love, he received the confession from Go Young Wook sonbaes cause Niel's heart to tremble, followed by his generating fear towards variety. Orignally in "WEEKLY IDOL", he wants to show the proper football skills yet never thought that he would invent a new way of playing football, in exchange he receive showers of laughter and disregard.... Sometimes when facing the pure white studio, Niel excitement gets a bit carried away, saying that here is Southpole, and in his command, Chunji, Ricky and Changjo becames Penguins, Seal and Polar Bear, with strange noise produce continously. But does penguins live in south pole?! However that has a limit, commanding non-stop leads to the consequence of animals retaliation. Little Curly-hair cause many loves, but the time when becoming the smooth straight hair, ah, national sister hairstyle shown up again!
White seems to be the best compatible color to Niel. Many people hopes to do a profound analysis of him due to his unpredictable actions, and draw out an accurate structural brain map of his. Not sure whether it's from the bottom of his heart or he's smart enough to use Andy to create effects for the show. Andy said that because of TEEN TOP didn't visit him during his army days, he was very sad. But Niel said that it was their revenge to him for abandoning them and went for army. This guts, either due to Andy's pamper or he's out of his mind. No wonder he will receive Andy's "blame"! Able to step on mines and cause the good temper Niel to outbreak , there's only 2 point. First, His lips. Second, He's thin. Despite the reality, being thin has actually been a problem for him. What should he do if he can't seems to eat fat himself during his developmental stage?! If there's dissatisfaction of his appearance, it is definitely not his lips. That is Niel's pride. If you look at the past photos, that sexy lips doesn't really changes... In fact what bothers him is his eyebrows, though not knowing if Niel is proud of his young skin thus doesn't wish to remove his make-up as a result of laziness or perhaps due to the threat to his appearance that his eyebrows might disappear!

Ricky High Kick! Counter attack from the short legged

Upright, Weak in withstanding emotion, Strong self esteem, if there is thing he is good at, he will definitely show off. Born in 1995, when Ricky debuted that time, he's still the youngest singer, going everywhere to capture the hearts of older noonas. But now the children born in the year of 1996 have been active in the circle. Even so, Ricky still holds the best child face looking. But also for this reason, regardless of how hard the member tries to put on stage handsomely, in the end, they will still hear comments such as cute or so. For stage effect, he puts on high insoles, resulting his waist and the members chest to align. When standing at side to make wave, there's always a bit of uncoordinate feeling... Lots of people suggest to him to find resoultion. However, having doing the same thing as changjo everyday, still couldn't solve this problem! But not sure whether the other members are particularly jealous of his advantage of being cute, and so became everyone's alert, if he make a minor mistakes, he would get punishment from all.
Undoubtedly, Ricky will always get chosen by the members to be the most problematic one. CAP will be worried if he gets into trouble, and Ricky always uses practical action to prove that their concern is useless. Absolutely no resistance towards food. If he spot food, his mouth will open immediately. The show continues? The interview is still on-going? Anyway, he just unconcern. Also, Ricky is simply L.Joe's little tail. Regardless of how L.Joe yelled at him or punished him, in the blink of an eye, he will still follow him. When in times of shooting or interview, if L.Joe didn't speak, Ricky will also follow and show only gestures. This result in representational by l.joe: You'll have to talk, I'm not talking as my mouth is filled with biscuits, why didn't you speak too! Of course if there is a brother that bully there will be a brother that dotes on him. Chunji's pamper towards Ricky since debut had cause the other members hair to stand on end. Even though he will still complains about him being clingy, but he still hugged Ricky when he cried. Ricky always yell that he is the face of the group, but every time when he saw Chunji he will step back and drag his voice saying the main lead is back~ In fact, to some extent, the member is grateful of Ricky's good temper, Even when they flare at him, he won't bear grudges. Although he has desire to sing, but dancing is Ricky's main love. Dream is to become RAIN's successor, if there is an opportunity on stage, he will still perform RAIN's item. But reality is hurtful, Ricky is still too young, his body is still fill with scent of baby's smell, pure smile, frown without wildness and a total shield of sexiness.

Changjo wants to exalt!

"Changjo's miracle", or was it miracle changjo? This is just a mouthful of problems. In fact what happens on Changjo's body is not that he has grown 10cm tall in a year that is miraculously but his correction of : 179cm and 180cm difference, why it ain't round up?! With the evaluation from fans of being cute have violated the original intention of the group to change their temperament. Then is it important to have hear it from older fans or younger fans? Why is it inconvenient to have heard it from older fans? Have not experience love before, thus the question of " Why do girls behavior is totally different when with the same gender and of the opposite?" where should he get the answer from? Originally make a promise to fans that they will perform the pyramid on stage to celebrate their 1st win, but unable to complete due to his hand injury, causes him to be very regret and sorry. If there is a chance, he would like to perform the pyramid once again in front of the fans! Having grown up, the older brother desire to see his aegyo seems far-fetched! Clearly that he and Ricky is still the youngest! If Ricky were to cling on him and does aegyo, he would have turn stern immediately!
But do not think that Changjo is a mature kid because of that! His pranks is continous. Taking advantage when their manager is deeply asleep, he will enthusiastically play the game of fishing.... However his height of 183cm is what makes the member mad. He is also determine to exercise his body for his desire for perfect body. (CAP finally has accompany!) As an artist he is not sensitive to certain topics, saying that he hope to try out being a solo artist or carry out unit activity on shows. Thanks to the steel make up, Changjo went through a period of life not worrying about his facial expression during pre-debut era, but this causes the other not recognizing him when he took off his glasses. The fact that if we talk about changes, we do not have to date back the time when Changjo's a kid. The Changjo that has just debuted still have a little swollen eye-bag and baby fats, though he looks cool with glasses, after all, he still can't get away from the cute atmosphere. But after the changes, not just the body, his facial lines become more cool and tough up. But the tough is not that easy to obtain, in order to achieve the wish, Changjo completely get rid of his beloved supper! (Tears)

Translation by @Jmystyl3
Edit by @pinksabers