[News] Korean Fever: Who is JYJ And What Is The Reason For All The Fascination?

Learn more about the Asian group that has caused great sensation in Lima and who will perform today at the Explanada Del Estadio Monumental.

The members of Korean group JYJ sparked great hysteria to thousands of Peruvian fans. First the fans wiped out all the tickets for the show that the three Asian will offer this March 11 in Lima. Then, hundreds of followers waited at the airport to greet them and after camped out in front of the Marriot Hotel to watch over them. Mass hysteria was sparked, orchestrated with shouts, cries and  cheers. The devotion seemed much greater than that held for idols such as Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers. However, a question that crosses the mind of those who have not been infected with this fever is: Who are they and why are they so revered? Here are some highlights regarding the fascination towards Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu.
Although JYJ was created in 2010, the three members of the k-pop group already posessed great fame from being part of one of the most famous artistic groups, TVXQ, which was formed in 2003 and consisted of 5 members.  However, in 2009, charismatic Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment, the Korean company that managed their careers, arguing that their contract of 13 years was unjust for them and should be invalidated. At the end of 2009, the court ruled in their favor. Together, they created JYJ, lunched the album “The Beginning” and took with them the thousands of fans that they had from all around the world.

JYJ opted in a smart marketing move: launching a full album which consisted of songs in English, which allowed them to be able to reach more markets. In addition, they also sang in Japanese and Korean. According to a fan of the group, what she most enjoys of them is their “feel good” lyrics in their songs. In addition the group has multiple ballads and pop songs. Also, they include dance and R&B songs. It is important to mention that the group’s first album counted on the collaboration of one of the greatest in the music industry, Kanye West, who helped with the production of the album, in addition to participating in their first single, “Ayy Girl.” Similar to the style of Backstreet Boys, these Koreans combine their songs with flashy choreography in addition to having the particular “look.”

Hero Jaejoong has been considered for two consecutive years now as the most handsome man in all of Asia. In addition to being a singer, he is a famous actor and director. He has participated in several “doramas” (Asian Dramas). In 2011, he played for the first time the protagonist in a drama, “Protect the Boss.”

There still this one key question to answer, “How is it that the fame of JYJ has traveled to our beautiful land under the sun? Well, first of all, it is clear that in today’s society one cannot underestimate the power of the internet, however, the first contact that the Peruvian fans had with these types of groups was through dramas. The Asian dramas were transmitted by Panamericana Televisión and in which one can hear multiple songs by Asian groups.  It should be noted that many people had also followed these types of programs through the internet. According to one of the group’s followers, many would listen to the songs and like them, later looking up information of those that sang the songs, which lead to them to discover groups like JYJ and the rest is history known to all: sold out concerts, hundreds of fans camped outside of a hotel, shouting, devotion, fascination.

[Translator's note: Article was featured on the main page of "El Comercio," The most important newspaper in Peru]
Credit: El Comercio
Translated by: popopiluvsjyj of JYJ3