[News] Nichkhun, even without domestic activities, has become a ‘Sell-Everything-Out Guy’!

Even when 2PM’s Nichkhun does not have any domestic activities, the potential of selling out manufactured goods he has sponsored can be seen.
Fashion glasses shop, Look Optical, who broadcasted a CF with Nichkhun as the model and released the ‘Elcid Star’ at the same time, has sold more than 600 each day out of the 70 domestic Look Optical shops, even producing 20,000 more just last week. Since its release, it has created a total profit of 370-million won (~$330,000).
‘Elcid Star’ is the upgrade model of Look Optical’s popular glasses last year ‘Elcid’, has the design factors of the square shape preferred by the younger generation recently, as well as a variety of colours on the sides of the glasses, thus making it very fashionable. More than the existing horn-rimmed glasses, the size and weight are reduced, making it much more wearable. The increased flexibility that makes it harder to break is the unique characteristic. The price of the product is 18500 won (~$17).
A Look Optical representative has said, “Recently, the new popular product ‘Elcid Star”s great design for the younger generation, a reasonable price, and high quality has been receiving explosive response from the customers.”

Meanwhile, 2PM has done an Asia World Tour in 7 months, going to Japan, China, etc. On the 11th, 2PM’s Chansung revealed his thoughts on the tour on his twitter “The 7-month Hands Up Asia Tour is finished! It was a time where I learned a lot, and although it’s regretful to end it just like that, since it ended successfully, I feel happy.”

Reporter Kim Hana
Credit Hankyung

Translated by khy127 @ W2D