[PICTURE] Baro's Greeting!

Idol group B1A4 member Baro updated Japan mobile fansite.

Baro posted a message along with a picture of himself on their Japan mobile site. Baro's blog update's title is 'Baro's greeting'. He talked about things and introduce it to everyone. It seems Baro is enjoying discovering new things and he shares it to fans.

Read the translation of his message below.

Baro’s greeting
Baro here! Hello, BANA! (t/n: baro’s hiragana for hello (こんにちは) is wrong, it should be こんにちは and not こんにちわ)
This is our dormitory.
In our dormitory, I wear clothing with the initials ‘CSW’. Hahaha what do you think? Isn’t it cool? Hahaha behind me, you can see Gongchan looking at the mirror in our bathroom.
It’s the mirror we look in countless number of times everyday! It probably knows a loooo~t of our secrets! (laughs)
Next time, I’ll look for more unknown things to introduce to everyone.
That’s it for today! Hehe.
Bye bye~

If the mirror can talk, do you think it will reveal B1A4's secrets? Do you have any idea what secrets they are hiding?

source: hirame_zzz  + b1a4’s japan mobile
jap-eng trans cr: tables @ AVIATEB1A4 
Written by: angelclowie18@dkpopnews.net