[NEWS] ‘Girls’ Generation – TTS’ Interviewed by OSEN!

Through a recent meeting with OSEN, Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun agreed in saying, “Because all of the Girls’ Generation members are doing individual activities, it’s difficult to see one another. We always keep in touch through smartphone chatrooms, and it really gives us strength.”
Taeyeon stated, “It’s a bit embarrassing, but we have been saying that we miss each other a lot lately. We never took many commemorative photos after middle school and high school, but now we take photos together whenever we meet. We try our best as the three members of ‘Girls’ Generation – TTS’, but the energy is noticeably different from when we stand on stage as nine members.” She laughed as she added, “Because there are only three of us now, the waiting rooms that are assigned to us are smaller.”
Tiffany said, “I’m really thankful because the other members sincerely support ‘Girls’ Generation – TTS’. I watched the music video with our other members, and we laughed for a long time because they were jealous, and they joked that it seems like the company invests more in us than they do in Girls’ Generation. I think we’ve grown fonder of one another.”
There have also been things that have improved after beginning unit activities. Tiffany stated, “When we promoted as nine members, the styles a member could attempt were limited, so we would have to show the same style during a promotion cycle. But as three, there are more choices. I think we’ll be able to show various styles a lot more often than we would as Girls’ Generation.”
Taeyeon noted, “Choreography was an important element for Girls’ Generation, but as three, the performances have been more focused on vocals than choreography. That is the biggest change.”

Source: stoo.com
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified.com
Edited by: michaelroni@soshified.com, bhost909@soshified.com