[PICTURE] Teen Top hints of their new concept?

Teen Top aroused great curiousity with their recent teaser photo.

On May 22, Teen Top posted a photo on their SNS channel, “The burning passion in my heart and the starvation, the artist’s spirit lives on~ As long as I can sing even if my lips are paralyzed it’s okay!!!”

They added, “Chunji glammed up wth a flower, Niel, who lost himself, and me (Ricky) exhausted by hunger.”

In the photo, Teen Top members Niel, Chunji and Ricky crouching on the side of the road. The boys are seen cowering under the blankets in the cold, while playing the guitar. What really caught the attention of fans were their stylized bright coloured hair.

Netizens commented, “I’m confused—Is that a teaser or a pictorial?” “That reminds me of the Bohemian theme by SHINee” and “Flower group appearance”.