12plus Reveals Details of Tiffany’s Endorsement!

Following Tiffany’s visit to Thailand for 12plus CF filming, the Thailand-based facial product company spoke out on why they chose Tiffany to endorse their “Double Aura Lucent BB powder” with Super Junior’s Siwon. This product marks the company’s advancement into the face powder market, making Tiffany’s endorsement even more significant.

12plus invested approximately 150 million baht, or about $4.76 million USD, for the marketing budget of new BB powder, which was used to bring in Tiffany and Siwon as endorsers. Wayama Prasertsakul, marketing director of 12plus cosmetic brands, revealed, “Introducing cosmetic products is our main strategy,” and, “12plus’ target market is aimed at students who have the potential to be dynamic with what they use.” Thus, Tiffany and Siwon were the perfect choice as the faces of their new product to address both the Thai market and the world market in the future as both are global Hallyu leaders. Morever, 12plus is the first brand Tiffany has endorsed in Thailand, and the company believes she will show and guarantee product quality as she uses the “Double Aura Lucent BB powder” both on and off the stage.

12plus plans to utilize “360 degree of marketing medium”, in which they explore all venues of advertisement, including television, print advertisement, radio, and much more. There will also be a number of various promotions, including artist meet-and-greets for consumers. With Tiffany and Siwon as their endorsers, 12plus expects revenue growth on cosmetic products to increase by at least 35% this year alone. The company also has plans to complete the “12plus Miracle Double Aura Lucent Series” product line to better satisfy their target market. Look forward to more promotional activities for Tiffany in Thailand under 12plus in the future.

Sources: prachachat.net, saradolimz@Twitter.com, pingbook.com, jankonized@Flickr.com
Cr: soshified