Teen Top talked about their noona fans!

“We’re getting more noona fans!”

6 member idol group Teen Top is complaining happily about getting more noona fans.

Consisting of Ricky, C.A.P, L.Joe, Niel, Chunji and Changjo, Teen Top’s average age is 18.5 years old. As an idol group, they are gaining high popularity amongst elementary and middle school students. In addition, they are also gaining greater support of the female fans in their 20s and above.

Recently, Teen Top has released their sweet confession song to one’s beloved lady, ‘Be Ma Girl’ In January, Teen Top’s representative hit song ‘Crazy’ was released; towards the end of May, they released ‘To You’ which had a retro feel and they showcased a different charm, the song contains a guy’s shy confession and emotions. It went well with Teen Top’s youthful image; stealing the hearts of noona fans.

In particular, amongst the members, with his huge eyes, unique looks and voice contour, Niel (real name Ahn Daniel) has the highest popularity. When After School member Lizzy chose Niel as the coolest idol group member on a radio broadcast, she expressed her fondness as a fan “He works really hard and he’s good. He shines on stage. Born in 1994 Ahn Daniel, you know Noonas really likes you right? When we meet in the future, let’s great each other naturally”

After the release of the new song, Sports Seoul spoke to Niel who replied with a smile “I couldn’t get to know noona better. We just greet each other simply at the broadcasting station, when noona said that she liked me, I was really surprised. There are other members too, I was curious about why she likes me. But I’m really thankful for her liking me….. I’m an After School fan”

They also expressed they feel that they have more noona fans through autograph sessions.
Niel said, “In the past, a lot of fans younger than us came for autograph sessions. But recently there are many noona fans in their early and mid 20s who came. It feels great to know that our fanbase is diversifying”

So we asked them the reason about the rapid increase of noona fans. The Teen Top members replied “Because we’re cute, I think that’s why we’re gaining more noona fans. I think the increase in noona fans started since ‘No More Perfume On You’ The noona fans find us cute. They like us even more when we sing cute and cheerful songs.”

Since their debut in July 2010 with ‘Clap’, they have been active for a little over 2 years. The current number of members in their official fancafe is about 65,000. Teen Top says “We still have a long way to go”

Their number dream is to hold an independent concert in Korea. Even without an official debut in Japan, they held 3 concerts in Osaka, Tokyo and Nagoya. Because of a few broadcast performance events in Japan, it was natural for them to gain a fanclub in Japan. Receiving love calls from Japan, they were able to hold their independent concert in Japan. After seeing the fans that came all the way to watch them perform, they hope to hold a concert like that in Korea as well. As they feel that they currently do not have enough repertoire for a concert over 2 hours, they promised to hold their independent concert after the release of their full-length album in a while.

eng trans: @oursupaluv
source: media.daum.net/entertain/enews/view?newsid=20120821112515810