Rain'll put on a performance to celebrate Black Eagle's

Rain'll put on a performance to celebrate Black Eagle's championship tomorrow.

An Air Force spokesman said on the 31st, "With more than 5,200 people such as the public, airmen, government officials, national defense officials, etc. in attendance, 'Black Eagle Air Show With The People' will be held at Seoul Airport in Seongnam City on September 1st."

The Air Force's peculiar aerobatic team "Black Eagle" attended an air show in UK, which was held from June 30th until July 15th, and won the first prize with an award as the most popular team.

On the first of next month, an aerobatic display to celebrate their championship will be followed by celebrations with a concert featuring singer Rain belonging to the Defense Media Agency, with military band's performances, and with Black Eagle pilots' signing event for their fans.

Credit to Yonhap News
Brief translation by 拳聪@rainlegend