Who Has a "GOLDEN RATIO" Face?

B.A.P Youngjae, with resemblance to Yoo Seungho "The last visual king" (literal translate, the title could mean "the visual king that's the last of its kind" - means that it is the best of the best.)

B.A.P's main vocal Youngjae proven to have a "golden ratio" face through a thorough facial analyzation.

On the 27th, in B.A.P's main cafe, a topic was posted with the title "Yoo Youngjae, a proven flower boy with detailed examination" where it shows B.A.P's main vocal, Youngjae's face ratio analyzation. A fan from Canada uploaded the said post and it instantly catches the attention of many with its thorough examination of Youngjae's face ratio.

According to the post, Youngjae's horizontal and vertical ratio is 1.587, which is almost as near as the golden ratio of 1.6. His face ratio was divided into three sections and it only showed a slight difference to the golden ratio of 1:1:1. Moreover, the ratio of his ears and nose length and the ratio length between his eyes, showed the exact ratio of 1:1. This proves that he has the, (신이 내린) God's gift/God-blessed, golden ratio face.

In addition, on the previous episode of MBC's Every1 'Weekly Idol', the two MCs, Jung Hyungdon and Deffcon has proved the claimed attention, "his facial features are distinct", "you resembled Yoo Seungho" as such. Also, the 'traditional music ulzzang' Himchan and 'Busan Wonbin' Daehyun were also recognized by their exceptional beauty.

Fans responded and cheered to the topic with comments like, "His beauty just continues increasing that he brightens up like a sculpture", "oppa is just very handsome nowadays that when other guys saw you, they'll jut sigh", "the one with favorable impression, also a flower boy, perfection, that's our Youngjae oppa".

B.A.P's also announced that they will be continuing their activity with a repackage album on the 29th, 대박사건(literal translation: an amazing incident), Crash.

source: naeil news
trans by zapsaple @ tsundercover