JYJ Kim Junsu released on site concert practice photos

Photos of JYJ’s Kim Junsu practicing with a full orchestra has been released to the public 2 days prior to the concert.

On Dec 27, c-jes entertainment side said, “For the year end concerts, Kim Junsu has been practicing day and night. He often exchanges views with the musical director to prepare for the performances.”

The photo shows Kim Junsu practicing with violin, cello, and brass players and a full chorus.

Kim Junsu said, “The power of the orchestra will help give a different meaning to each song. When the chorus and vocal come together, each track comes to life with rhythm and sound. Please expect an illusion of harmony and excitement.”, making clear of his sentiments.

The concert’s cue sheet was published 3 weeks ago. In addition, Kim Junsu’s new digital single “Thank U For”, which has gained popularity upon its release, will be included in the song line up.

Kim Junsu’s 2012 Xia Ballad & Musical Concert with Orchestra will be held on Dec 29 to 31 at COEX.

Source: e2news
Translated by: @rubypurple_fan of JYJ3