Seo In Young feels pressure about her comeback because of Lee Hyori

Solo singer Seo In Young is definitely feeling the pressure of having a comeback especially in the crowded month of May.

Seo In Young held a showcase and press conference for her new mini-album ‘Forever Young’, and at the event she revealed her thoughts about the many comebacks, “Many juniors and Lee Hyori unni will be making comebacks so I feel the pressure. But I feel fine as I have my own style. So I look forward to having friendly competitions with them.”

She added, “Many ask me why I chose a sad song for a May release. I feel pressured because my song is a ballad piece, but I believe I’ll be able to show my strengths through this album. I’ll work hard.”

Finally, Seo In Young said, “I’ve released a single album and an album with no promotions not too long ago. So it will be the first time in a while that I will do promotions. Although I had worries about the song, I want to actively promote this time.”