[News] Shinhwa fans warn Taecyeon's fans

여기 갤이 어떤 상황인지는 잘 알고 있지만...
그래도 2pm갤이니깐...
팬들도 오고 가겠지요?

정 중히 부탁드립니다.

어제 인기가요 무대를 갔던 신화팬들이
주황색봉을 발견했습니다.

옥택 연씨 개인 팬들이 사용하는 개인 봉이라고 하더군요...

'당근봉'이라고 하던데...

주황색 머리띠도 끼고 있다고 하던데....

주황색은 엄연히 98년도 부터
'신화'와 '신화창조'가 사용해 왔고,
지금도 사용하고 있으며
앞으로도 사용 할 겁니다.

다른건 몰라도 주황색은 건드리지 말아주십시오.

당근이라서 어쩔 수 없었다....
개인팬인데 어찌 하겠냐...

이 런 시덥지않은 변명은 안하시리라 믿겠습니다.

설령 당근이 주황색일리언정
먼저 주황색은 2pm보다 12년은 먼저 신화가 쓰고 있었고
옥택연씨 개인 팬보다 12년은 먼저 신화창조가 쓰고 있었습니다.

애초부터 컨셉을 잘못 잡은 것은
그쪽 잘못이기 때문에
위에 같은 변명은 받아드리지 않겠습니다.

앞선 주황색으로 인한 타 팬덤과의 충돌은
잡상인에 의한 어쩔 수 없는 거다라고 할 수 있을지 몰라도
이번 일은 기획단계에서부터 옥택연씨 팬덤에서 의도한 것이니
그냥 넘기지 않겠습니다.

물론 앞선 타팬덤과의 충돌에서
그 팬덤 임원진께서 많이 노력 해주시고,
이젠 거의 다 정리 되었습니다.

그런데 거의 다 정리 됬다고 생각한 시점에
이 런 일이 또 터지니 기분 나쁘네요.

당근이 주황색이면 당근이란 컨셉이란 자체를 버리시던지
꼭 당근을 써야 겠다면 검은색 당근을 쓰던지 하십시오.

앞으로 인기가요 안하니깐 걱정말란 소리도 하지 마십시오.
빠 른 조치를 취할 것을 부탁드립니다.

이런 정중한 부탁은 딱 한번만 하겠습니다.

한번 더 이런 일이 발생한다면
신화의 팬으로써 더이상 가만히 있지는 않을 것임을 경고합니다.

I know very well what kind of situation the gall here is...
But it's still 2PM's gall...
So fans would still come and go, right?

I'm requesting politely.

The Shinhwa fans who went to the Inkigayo stage yesterday
Discovered an orange light stick.

They said that it was the light stick that Ok Taecyeon's personal fans used...

Apparently it's called 'Carrot stick'...
They were also wearing an orange headband...

Orange is strictly the color
Used by 'Shinhwa' and 'Shinhwa Changjo' (T/N: Shinhwa fandom name) since 1998,
Still used today,
And will continue to use in the future.

We do not care what else your fandom does, but do not abuse our color orange.

The excuse that 'there was no other choice since it (the concept) was a carrot...'
'What can we do since we're person fans...'

We trust that those pathetic excuses will not be used.

Even if carrots are orange
The color orange was used 12 years before 2PM by Shinhwa
And was used by Shinhwa Changjo 12 years before Ok Taecyeon's personal fans.

Since the beginning, it is Ok Taecyeon's fandom's side's fault
For using the wrong concept
So we refuse to let this go with the excuses stated above.

Color conflicts with other fandoms regarding the color orange
Might be excused because they had no other choice because of the company
But we will not just let this incident go
Because it is obviously intended on purpose by Ok Taecyeon sshi's fandom, without the order of the company

With every conflict that Shinhwa Changjo was met with with other fandoms
That fandom's staff line tried very hard to sort it out
And we believe that it is almost resolved now

But at the point where we thought it was almost resolved completely
We're rather angry that this kind of incident is happening once again.

If carrots are orange, abandon the whole concept of carrot
Or if you really have to use carrot, then use a black carrot.

Don't tell us that it does not matter anymore because he's no longer a part of Inkigayo.
We're requesting that you take quick action to solve this.

We'll only request politely like this just once.

If this kind of incident happens again, we will not just stand back and watch.
We warn you, we will take action as Shinhwa fans.

TN: Fanclubs take A LOT of pride in their own fanclub colors and will go out of their way to 'protect' it. The general rule of respect is to leave the colors of fanclubs alone. As the post warns, Shinhwa's fanclub has been through a lot in order to protect their color for as long as they have and mean business when the respect is trampled on by rookie fanclubs. Usually the senior fanclubs get the right of way even if a company has specifically chosen the same color for their own group. For a rookie fanclub to use a color so blatantly without the company's order is asking for trouble. It might seem pety, but its how the Korean fandom works..

CREDITS : Daum Tellzone (SOURCE)